DailyMailTV EXCLUSIVE: YouTuber Jake Paul 反映するs on his 'dark' past and how he turned his life around through ボクシング ... as he dishes up smack-talk ahead of Tyron Woodley 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合

  • Jake Paul took a break from training for his 近づいている ボクシング match for an 排除的 雑談(する) with DailyMailTV about how the sport changed his life
  • Paul said that ボクシング took him off of a 'dead end' path - 十分な of スキャンダルs - and taught him 'discipline'
  • 'I'm not afraid to 収容する/認める it. I was going 負かす/撃墜する this like weird dark path that's like a Hollywood young teenage 星/主役にする and it wasn't good. It was going to be a dead end'
  • Last year Jake was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 犯罪の trespass for 略奪するing an Arizona 商店街 during BLM 抗議するs and caught (激しい)反発 for throwing a party during lockdown?
  • The 星/主役にする's new passion 事業/計画(する) is his nonprofit to 戦闘 青年 cyber いじめ(る)ing called ボクシング いじめ(る)s
  • Paul?will be squaring off in the (犯罪の)一味 against Tyron Woodley on August 29
  • Jake confidently 予報するs Tyron won't 'make it out of the second 一連の会議、交渉/完成する' and is excited to show off how 技術d he is in the (犯罪の)一味

議論の的になる internet sensation Jake Paul will be squaring off in the (犯罪の)一味 against Tyron Woodley at the end of August and the 星/主役にする is 明らかにする/漏らすing that he's been turning his スキャンダル-riddled life around through the help of ボクシング.?

The 24-year-old influencer turned 競技者 took a pause from training to talk 排他的に with DailyMailTV about how the sport is taking him off of a 'dead end' path and his new 非,不,無-利益(をあげる) for kids, ボクシング いじめ(る)s.?

Jake first made a 指名する for himself 支援する in 2013 on the now-消滅した/死んだ social 壇・綱領・公約 Vine and today 誇るs just shy of 52million 信奉者s across YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. He recently pivoted careers to ボクシング, going プロの/賛成の in 2020 with a 現在/一般に undefeated 記録,記録的な/記録する.?

In the ring: Controversial internet sensation Jake Paul took a pause from training to talk exclusively with DailyMailTV about how the sport of boxing is taking him off of a 'dead end' path and his new non-profit for kids, Boxing Bullies

In the (犯罪の)一味: 議論の的になる internet sensation Jake Paul took a pause from training to talk 排他的に with DailyMailTV about how the sport of ボクシング is taking him off of a 'dead end' path and his new 非,不,無-利益(をあげる) for kids, ボクシング いじめ(る)s

Jake dished up some good old fashioned pre-fight smack-talk during his DailyMailTV 雑談(する) and 申し込む/申し出d up a 予測 for 正確に/まさに how things will go 負かす/撃墜する in his 近づいている 一区切り/(ボクシングなどの)試合 with Tyron: 'I don't think he makes it out of the second 一連の会議、交渉/完成する.'?

'There is not a chance that he (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域s me,' Jake said. 'It could go a couple of 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs, which I would like, because it would just give me more experience in the (犯罪の)一味.'

His humble-brag about 'experience' aside, Jake has a point - his professional ボクシング 記録,記録的な/記録する is 3-0 and not one of his fights have lasted more than two 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs.

'I 港/避難所't really been able to even show how good of a boxer I am, which is why I still think there's like a question 示す as to whether or not I'm a real プロの/賛成の,' Jake 認める. 'But believe me, I am.'??

'There is not a chance that he beats me,' Jake said. 'It could go a couple 
of rounds, which I would like, because it would just give me more experience in the ring.'

'There is not a chance that he (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域s me,' Jake said. 'It could go a couple of 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs, which I would like, because it would just give me more experience in the (犯罪の)一味.'

'I haven't really been able to even show how good of a boxer I am, which is why I still think there's like a question mark as to whether or not I'm a real pro,' Jake admitted. 'But believe me, I am.'

'I 港/避難所't really been able to even show how good of a boxer I am, which is why I still think there's like a question 示す as to whether or not I'm a real プロの/賛成の,' Jake 認める. 'But believe me, I am.'

< p class="mol-para-with-font">While the influencer-turned-boxer is known for trash talking his 対抗者s - and stealing the 時折の hat - Jake 保証するs DailyMailTV that his 信用/信任 is not 誤った bravado.?

When asked if he's ever nervous before entering the (犯罪の)一味, Jake says he's 'the same way as when the cameras are on, believe it or not.'?

'It's fun and it's what we train for,' Jake said of being dominate in the ring. 'And it's what I manifest when I'm doing my breath work, my meditation.'

'It's fun and it's what we train for,' Jake said of 存在 支配する in the (犯罪の)一味. 'And it's what I manifest when I'm doing my breath work, my meditation.'

Jake has been training extensively with BJ Flores in Puerto Rico and (人命などを)奪う,主張するs to be in the best 形態/調整 of his life these days.

'It's fun and it's what we train for,' Jake said of 存在 支配する in the (犯罪の)一味. 'And it's what I manifest when I'm doing my breath work, my meditation.'?

Fame and fortune have always been 最高の,を越す 優先 for the former Disney 星/主役にする however, after years 原因(となる)ing trouble, 消極的な headlines and beg rudging 陳謝s, Jake's 鮮明度/定義 of celebrity is changing.

'You know, I've always 手配中の,お尋ね者 to make history. I've always 手配中の,お尋ね者 to leave an 衝撃,' he said.

The influencer has?over 16 million Instagram 信奉者s and 20 million 加入者s on YouTube giving him a fan base that reaches far and wide - many of them very young.

Jake's antics last summer alone have been enough to keep him far off any parent's 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of modern day 役割 models.

'I'm not afraid to 収容する/認める it. I was going 負かす/撃墜する this like weird dark path that's like a Hollywood young teenage 星/主役にする and it wasn't good. It was going to be a dead end,' he candidly said.?

'I'm not afraid to admit it. I was going down this like weird dark path that's like a Hollywood young teenage star and it wasn't good. It was going to be a dead end,' he candidly said. 'I think that happens to a lot of other creators, a lot of other actors, musicians, people who moved to LA In general.'

'I'm not afraid to 収容する/認める it. I was going 負かす/撃墜する this like weird dark path that's like a Hollywood young t eenage 星/主役にする and it wasn't good. It was going to be a dead end,' he candidly said. 'I think that happens to a lot of other creators, a lot of other actors, musicians, people who moved to LA In general.'

追加するing: 'I think that happens to a lot of other creators, a lot of other actors, musicians, people who moved to LA In general.'?

In June of 2020 Paul was?告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 犯罪の trespass and unlawful 議会 - both 軽罪s - for 略奪するing an Arizona 商店街 during 黒人/ボイコット Lives 事柄 抗議するs.?

A month later he was in hot water with the city of Calabasas after throwing a 大規模な rager at the 高さ of the pandemic when the 残り/休憩(する) of the 明言する/公表する of California was under stay-at-home orders. He was also 引用するd as calling the COVID-19 pandemic 'a hoax.'

His home was then (警察の)手入れ,急襲d by the 連邦検察局 in August of 2020 in 関係 with the Arizona 暴動. Cameras 逮捕(する)d 当局 掴むing 非常に/多数の 小火器 from Jake's place and sources told DailyMail.com at the time that 連邦の スパイ/執行官s also took computers and hard 運動s.?

'Boxing literally pulled me out of that, gave me routine, discipline - it helped me learn a lot about myself that I didn't know before,' he revealed. 'It's changed me. It's made me more mature. And it put a focus back on, you know, what life is really about for me.'

'ボクシング literally pulled me out of that, gave me 決まりきった仕事, discipline - it helped me learn a lot about myself that I didn't know before,' he 明らかにする/漏らすd. 'It's changed me. It's made me more 円熟した. And it put a 焦点(を合わせる) 支援する on, you know, what life is really about for me.'

Looking 支援する on the last year, however, Jake (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he is turning over a new leaf and credits ボクシング for 停止(させる)ing his 消極的な downward spiral.

'ボクシング literally pulled me out of that, gave me 決まりきった仕事, discipline - it helped me learn a lot about myself that I didn't know before,' he 明らかにする/漏らすd. 'It's changed me. It's made me more 円熟した. And it put a 焦点(を合わせる) 支援する on, you know, what life is really about for me.'

'I think it's more meaningful than anything else that I have done,' Jake 追加するd.??

While the young millionaire is using his new career to navigate his way out of a PR 災害 path and he 収容する/認めるs that he's okay with never 存在 a 'squeaky clean 役割 model'.

'Part of my job [is] talking s**t and ruffling people's feathers,' he told DailyMailTV. 'That's part of this business.'

'Part of my 職業 [is] talking s**t and ruffling people's feathers,' he told DailyMailTV. 'That's part of this 商売/仕事.'

'I think as a society, we have to let people learn, let people grow from their mistakes and become different people,' he explained. 'If you're able to yell at someone or reprimand someone or criticize someone for their actions, then you should also be able to be patient with them and see if there's change, see if they learned from that mistake.'

'I think as a society, we have to let people learn, let people grow from their mistakes and become different people,' he explained. 'If you're able to yell at someone or けん責(する),戒告 someone or 非難する someone for their 活動/戦闘s, then you should also be able to be 患者 with them and see if there's change, see if t hey learned from that mistake.'

'Part of my 職業 [is] talking s**t and ruffling people's feathers,' he laughed. 'That's part of this 商売/仕事.'

While he won't even 放棄する his 役割 as a マリファナ-stirrer or headline 製造者, Jake would like to be given the chance to redeem his 評判 as he gets older.?

'I think as a society, we have to let people learn, let people grow from their mistakes and become different people,' he explained. 'If you're able to yell at someone or けん責(する),戒告 someone or 非難する someone for their 活動/戦闘s, then you should also be able to be 患者 with them and see if there's change, see if they learned from that mistake.'??

And, while Jake Paul 'do-gooder' is not a phrase many of his haters - or even 信奉者s - would associate with the web 星/主役にする, in at least one way he is putting his money where his mouth is.

Paul recently started the nonprofit, ボクシング いじめ(る)s, in an 成果/努力 to bring America's 青年 the same 利益s that the sport gave him when he needed it the most.?

Do-gooder:?Paul recently started the nonprofit, Boxing Bullies, in an effort to bring America's youth the same benefits that the sport gave him when he needed it the most

Do-gooder:?Paul recently started the nonprofit, ボクシング いじめ(る)s, in an 成果/努力 to bring America's 青年 the same 利益s that the sport gave him when he needed it the most

'The goal is is pretty simple. It's let's get the youth and kids - as many kids as possible - involved in the sport of boxing to teach them leadership, discipline, courage,' he said. 'Get them on the right track, keep them out of trouble maybe.'

'The goal is is pretty simple. It's let's get the 青年 and kids - as many kids as possible - 伴う/関わるd in the sport of ボクシング to teach them leadership, discipline, courage,' he said. 'Get them on the 権利 跡をつける, keep them out of trouble maybe.'

'The goal is is pretty simple. It's let's get the 青年 and kids - as many kids as possible - 伴う/関わるd in the sport of ボクシング to teach them leadership, discipline, courage,' he said. 'Get them on the 権利 跡をつける, keep them out of trouble maybe.'

'Let's fight 支援する against いじめ(る)ing and cyber いじめ(る)ing, because it's such a big pr oblem in our 世代,' Jake said.?

Hard to believe those words (機の)カム from the same Jake Paul who used to 定期的に 教える his young 信奉者s?to 減少(する) out of school to become influencers.?

'I think 存在 spiritual and taking time for yourself is 最高の important,' he 反映するd. 'Things move a million miles per hour and social マスコミ these days is so 有毒な and you can get caught up in all of that. So meditation definitely helps for sure.'?

'I think being spiritual and taking time for yourself is super important,' he reflected. 'Things move a million miles per hour and social media these days is so toxic and you can get caught up in all of that. So meditation definitely helps for sure.'

'I think 存在 spiritual and taking time for yourself is 最高の important,' he 反映するd. 'Things move a million miles per hour and social マスコミ these days is so 有毒な and you can get caught up in all of that. So meditation definitely helps for sure.'

Meditation, breathwork and manifestation are all part and 小包 of the 激しい physical training the 競技者 has been doing to 準備する for his next ノックアウト.??

'Mentally, I'm so excited. I'm so 用意が出来ている for this,' he said. 'I can't wait to just go in there and 成し遂げる.'

Jake's 心配するd 勝利,勝つ against UFC champ Tyron Woodley will come with more than just another notch on his 選手権 belt. The loser of the fight has agreed to get 'I love [the 勝利者]' tattooed somewhere on their 団体/死体.

Paul is beyond sure that he won't be getting 署名/調印するd and is ready for Tyron to make good on the bet that very night.?

Knock out: Jake is '100%' confident that he's going to beat Tyron and that the loser will end up getting inked with 'I love Jake Paul' after the fight

Knock out: Jake is '100%' 確信して that he's going to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 Tyron and that the loser will 結局最後にはーなる getting 署名/調印するd with 'I love Jake Paul' after the fight

'I think he'll probably get it on the 底(に届く) of his foot so that no one ever has to see it,' he laughed.

'I do have a tattoo artist, Tatu Baby, one of the biggest tattoo artists, she is coming to the fight and I'm sending her to his locker room after the fight to get the tattoo,' he 明らかにする/漏らすd .?

'You're that 確信して that he is getting that tattoo and you are not?' DailyMailTV asked.

'One hundred パーセント,' he quipped with 信用/信任.?'It's going to be a historic night and imma knock him out.???

Jake will take on Woodley at the ロケット/急騰する Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, August 29th. The fight can be 見解(をとる)d on Showtime PPV.

Fight night:?Jake will take on Woodley at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, August 29th. The fight can be viewed on Showtime PPV

Fight night:?Jake will take on Woodley at the ロケット/急騰する Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio, August 29th. The fight can be 見解(をとる)d on Showtime PPV

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