Tom 巡航する is every インチ the daring stuntman as he takes on the Pont de Bir-Hakeim 橋(渡しをする) in Paris on a motorbike during 使節団 Impossible 8 filming

He has thrown himself into filming the 最新の instalment in the high-octane and iconic film franchise.

And Tom 巡航する was every インチ the stuntman as he got の上に a motorbike to 速度(を上げる) through the streets of Paris while filming 激しい scenes for 使節団 Impossible 8 on Thursday.

The Hollywood legend, 61, was dressed in a brown leather jacket with matching gloves, and beige trousers.?

He took on the thrilling Pont de Bir-Hakeim 橋(渡しをする) in Paris?during the filming of the 近づいている 使節団: Impossible movie.?

This 活動/戦闘-packed scene 逮捕(する)s the essence of adventure that the franchise is known for, 始める,決める against the picturesque 背景 of one of Paris' iconic 橋(渡しをする)s.

Tom Cruise was every inch the stuntman as he got onto a motorbike to speed through the streets of Paris while filming intense scenes for Mission Impossible 7 on Thursday

Tom 巡航する was every インチ the stuntman as he got の上に a motorbike to 速度(を上げる) through the streets of Paris while filming 激しい scenes for 使節団 Impossible 7 on Thursday

He has thrown himself into filming the latest instalment in the high-octane and iconic film franchise

He has thrown himself into filming the 最新の instalment in the high-octane and iconic film franchise

The actor was recently 支援する in the UK to film the eighth 分割払い of 使節団 Impossible and was spotted 狙撃 in the heart of Westminster, just roads away from 負かす/撃墜するing Street.

The untitled film - which will likely be called 使節団: Impossible ? Dead Reckoning Part Two - is scheduled to come out May 23, 2025, after Dead Reckoning Part One was 解放(する)d in July last year.

MI:8 was supposed to 攻撃する,衝突する cinemas this summer, but 生産/産物 had already been 延期するd 予定 to the Hollywood writers' strike.

生産/産物 on the eighth fi lm had 初めは 停止(させる)d so that the cast could 促進する Part One, and then the strike began 原因(となる)ing その上の 延期するs.

The 使節団: Impossible film series began in 1996 and is based on the 1966 television 一連の the same 指名する.

同様に as starring Tom, the eighth film will also see the return of 星/主役にするs Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff and Vanessa Kirby.

使節団: Impossible ? Dead Reckoning Part One underperformed at the box office compared to the previous films in the franchise, にもかかわらず Tom's 試みる/企てるs to 延長する its run.

Tom has been mixing work and play during his time in Europe, even partying the night away with his friends the Beckhams at Victoria's 50th birthday bash on Saturday night.

The Hollywood legend, 61, was dressed in a brown leather jacket with matching gloves, and beige trousers
He completed the look with brown boots

The Hollywood legend, 61, was dressed in a brown leather jacket with matching gloves, and beige trousers

He took on the thrilling Pont de Bir-Hakeim Bridge in Paris during the filming of the upcoming Mission: Impossible movie

He took on the thrilling Pont de Bir-Hakeim 橋(渡しをする) in Paris during the filming of the 近づいている 使節団: Impossible movie

This action-packed scene captures the essence of adventure that the franchise is known for, set against the picturesque backdrop of one of Paris' iconic bridges

This 活動/戦闘-packed scene 逮捕(する)s the essence of adventure that the franchise is known for, 始める,決める against the picturesque 背景 of one of Paris' iconic 橋(渡しをする)s

The untitled film - which will likely be called Mission: Impossible ? Dead Reckoning Part Two - is scheduled to come out May 23, 2025, after Dead Reckoning Part One was released in July last year

The untitled film - which will likely be called 使節団: Impossible ? Dead Reckoning Part Two - is scheduled to come out May 23, 2025, after Dead Reckoning Part One was 解放(する)d in July last year

MI:8 was supposed to hit cinemas this summer, but production had already been delayed due to the Hollywood writers' strike

MI:8 was supposed to 攻撃する,衝突する cinemas this summer, but 生産/産物 had already been 延期するd 予定 to the Hollywood writers' strike

Production on the eighth film had originally halted so that the cast could promote Part One, and then the strike began causing further delays

生産/産物 on the eighth film had 初めは 停止(させる)d so that the cast could 促進する Part One, and then the strike began 原因(となる)ing その上の 延期するs

The Mission: Impossible film series began in 1996 and is based on the 1966 television series of the same name

The 使節団: Impossible film series began in 1996 and is based on the 1966 television 一連の the same 指名する

Mission: Impossible ? Dead Reckoning Part One underperformed at the box office compared to the previous films in the franchise, despite Tom's attempts to extend its run

使節団: Impossible ? Dead Reckoning Part One underperformed at the box office compared to the previous films in the franchise, にもかかわらず Tom's 試みる/企てるs to 延長する its run

As well as starring Tom, the eighth film will also see the return of stars Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff and Vanessa Kirby

同様に as starring Tom, the eighth film will also see the return of 星/主役にするs Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff and Vanessa Kirby

While he was a VIP guest at Victoria's, Tom 行方不明になるd his daughter Suri's milestone 18th birthday last week.

Tom has been estranged from his youngest child since 2013, one year after he and her mother, Katie Holmes 離婚d.

Suri's 18th birthday also signals the end of Tom's 報告(する)/憶測d $400,000 a year child support 支払い(額) to Katie as per their 離婚 協定.

The last photo of the 最高の,を越す Gun actor out and about with his daughter was a trip to Disneyland in 2012, the year his 離婚 from Katie was finalised.

At the time of their 分裂(する), it was 報告(する)/憶測d that Katie had chosen to end the couple's marriage over 恐れるs about raising her daughter as a Scientologist - the 宗教 that Tom has been 献身的な to for 10年間s.

It was 報告(する)/憶測d last year that Suri is hoping to 熟考する/考慮する fashion in New York from September.

A source told 'Suri is 適用するing to schools all over the place. [Katie] really does want her to stay in New York so they can be の近くに to each other.

'Katie takes 広大な/多数の/重要な pride in her but is also 極端に overprotective.'

While Suri looks 今後 to her 未来 career Tom is still giving his all to his.

The Hollywood 星/主役にする has spent the past few weeks in the UK 狙撃 使節団 Impossible 8.

Tom has been mixing work and play during his extended trip to Europe, even partying the night away with his friends the Beckhams at Victoria's 50th birthday bash on Saturday night

Tom has been mixing work and play during his 延長するd trip to Europe, even partying the night away with his friends the Beckhams at Victoria's 50th birthday bash on Saturday night.

The untitled film - which will likely be called 使節団: Impossible ? Dead Reckoning Part Two - is scheduled to come out May 23, 2025, after Dead Reckoning Part One was 解放(する)d in July last year.

MI:8 was supposed to 攻撃する,衝突する cinemas this summer, but 生産/産物 had already been 延期するd 予定 to the Hollywood writers' strike.

生産/産物 on the eighth film had 初めは 停止(させる)d so that the cast could 促進する Part One, and then the strike began 原因(となる)ing その上の 延期するs.

Scenes for the eighth 分割払い have been 発射 across Derbyshire, Surrey and central London at 目印s 含むing the Natural History Museum in Kensington and Westminster 橋(渡しをする).