How cocktail of 麻薬s 設立する in Suzanne Morphew's system could 供給する 決定的な 手がかり(を与える)s about her 殺人

A Colorado mother who was 殺人d four years ago had a deadly cocktail of 麻薬s in her system, 報告(する)/憶測s show.?

An 検視 解放(する)d Monday 明らかにする/漏らすd that Suzanne Morphew, 49, was drugged with a lethal concoction of 苦痛 殺し屋s and sedatives: butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine.

The mother-of-two disappeared from her home in Salida, Colorado, on Mother's Day 2020, with her remains discovered last year 50 miles from her home.?

Colorado 法律 施行 公式の/役人s now believe that this 発覚 could 供給する 手がかり(を与える)s about the 殺人, which Ms Morphew's husband, Barry Morphew, was 最初 逮捕(する)d for in 2021. The 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s were later dropped.?

But how did these 薬/医学s in her system lead to her death and do they 持つ/拘留する any 手がかり(を与える)s that might help 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs solve her 殺人??

Police have released the autopsy report for Suzanne Morphew after her skeletal remains were discovered last year 50 miles from her home

Police have 解放(する)d the 検視 報告(する)/憶測 for Suzanne Morphew after her skeletal remains were discovered last year 50 miles from her home?

The autopsy showed that she had the tranquilizers butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine in her system
Her body was discovered last year, and her husband, Barry, was initially charged with murder before charges were dropped
Her body was discovered last year, and her husband, Barry, was initially charged with murder before charges were dropped

The 検視 showed that she had the tranquilizers butorphanol, azaperone, and medetomidine in her system. Her 団体/死体 was discovered last year, and her husband, Barry, was 最初 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 殺人 before 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s were dropped


This is a synthetic opioid that can be 注入するd, taken orally or 吸い込むd, and is used to 扱う/治療する 厳しい 苦痛 in 患者s 回復するing from 外科 or 苦しむing agony from 病気s like 癌.?

によれば the Mayo Clinic, it is typically used when other 苦痛 薬/医学s either do not work or are not 井戸/弁護士席 許容するd.?It's also 一般的に used as an anesthetic and a cough suppressant in dogs.

The 麻薬 貯蔵所d to 確かな receptors in the brain that send off 苦痛 impulses, 封鎖するing 苦痛 for short periods of time.?

As the 団体/死体 relaxes, people taking it may experience weak pulse, nausea, shallow breathing, and drowsiness.?

Because it's an opioid, using it 繰り返して can be habit forming. Overdosing can lead to breathing stopping all together.?


This sedative is mostly used as an anesthetic - まず第一に/本来 in animals like pigs and elephants to 静める them 負かす/撃墜する before 存在 輸送(する)d.?

Rarely, it is used in humans as an anti-psychotic 麻薬. 内科医s are 気が進まない to use it because in dos es, it can 原因(となる) respiratory 不景気 - which is when you breathe too slowly or shallowly and 妨げる oxygen from moving to your 血 and other 決定的な 組織/臓器s.?

This also 妨げるs 炭酸ガス from moving from the 血 to the 肺s, 原因(となる)ing it to build up in the 血.?

Over time, this leads to respiratory 失敗, cardiac 逮捕(する), and 昏睡.?


Also a sedative, this 麻薬 is used in both humans and dogs as an 注射 and 静脈内の.?

によれば the FDA, it can be used to 静める 脅すd animals by 減ずるing their heartbeat - 同様に as 供給するing 苦痛 救済 in humans. Lowering the heart 率 puts いっそう少なく 緊張する on the 組織/臓器, lowering 血 圧力 同様に.?

This is often done to 減ずる the 危険 of cardiovascular events like cardiac 逮捕(する) during 外科.??

In some 事例/患者s, it is 連合させるd with ketamine to be used as a general anesthetic.?