Doctor who is dedicating her career to solving mystery of 結腸 癌 in young people 明らかにする/漏らすs what could be 原因(となる)ing 爆発 of 事例/患者s - and the three 警告 調印するs of 病気

Dr Kimmie Ng, an oncologist at the premier Dana-Farber Cancer Center has dedicated her life to the study of GI cancers and is particularly concerned about the rise in such cancers in people under 50

Dr Kimmie Ng, an oncologist at the 首相 Dana-Farber 癌 中心 has 献身的な her life to the 熟考する/考慮する of GI 癌s and is 特に 関心d about the rise in such 癌s in people under 50?

Dr Kimmie Ng has?become a frontline 証言,証人/目撃する to one of the greatest 医療の mysteries of her 世代.?

The Boston oncologist has 開始する,打ち上げるd one of the the world's first 中心 献身的な to 熟考する/考慮するing an 爆発 of 癌s in young people.

In the 1990s, doctors began seeing a rise in the number of さもなければ healthy people under 50 存在 stricken with c ancer, 特に colorectal 癌.?

Three 10年間s later, scientists 推定する/予想する the number of 早期に-onset 結腸 癌 苦しんでいる人s will 二塁打 by 2030 in what some have labeled an '疫病/流行性の'.?

Dr Ng, who 専攻するs in gastrointestinal 癌s, which also 含む 癌s of the stomach and 膵臓, said the days of 癌 存在 a 病気 of the 年輩の was over.

'That is not what we're seeing in our clinics. 現実に, these very, very young people are often very healthy,' she said.

'They're very active, 演習 a lot, follow healthy diets, and they don't have a history of 癌 in their family and they don't have a background of a genetic syndrome.'

Rates of GI cancers rose most sharply in the youngest age group, followed by the 20-29 year old cohort. There were also more cases of GI cancers among older people, though in that case it is still considered early-onset cancer

率s of GI 癌s rose most はっきりと in the youngest age group, followed by the 20-29 year old cohort. There were also more 事例/患者s of GI 癌s の中で older people, though in that 事例/患者 it is still considered 早期に-onset 癌

This new alarming cohort don't have 癌 in the family, don't smoke and drink いっそう少なく than previous 世代s.

Dr Ng said: 'Why are these さもなければ healthy young people in the prime of their lives developing 癌 and often very 前進するd 行う/開催する/段階s of 癌?'

Three colorectal 癌 調印するs in people under 50?

  • 血 in stool
  • 復部の 苦痛
  • Changes in bowel movements?

の中で children ages 10 to 14 in America since 2000, colorectal 癌s have 増加するd 500 パーセント?and の中で teens 老年の 15 to 19 the rise was?333 パーセント, even though the 全体にわたる numbers of 事例/患者s are still 比較して low in these groups.

Dr Ng said that until doctors know more, 患者s under 50 must be vigilant for alarming symptoms?of the 癌.

The main three 調印するs that appear years before a diagnosis are: 血 in stool, changes in bowel movements, and stomach 苦痛s.

She 追加するd that 疲労,(軍の)雑役 and unexplained 負わせる loss?are also 高度に suggestive.

Junk food, plastic 汚染 and the over-use of 抗生物質s are some of the factors theorized to be behind the rise in 早期に onset 癌s, but the 証拠 is 十分な説得力のない.

At the Young Onset Colorectal 癌 中心 at Dana-Farber 癌 学校/設ける in Boston,?Dr Ng is 調査するing how dozens of factors, 含むing diet, sleep, supplementation and drinking habits are playing a 役割 in this 増加する.?

'I see 患者s one day a week and the 残り/休憩(する) of my time is spent running the [new 中心],?which really 焦点(を合わせる)s on young people under the age of 50 who are 診断するd with colorectal 癌, 同様に as 行為/行うing 研究 on the diet and lifestyle factors that may 衝撃 how long a 患者 lives with colo rectal 癌.'?

Dr Ng is shown. She has pioneered research into the causes of colorectal cancer in young people, establishing the?Young Onset Colorectal Cancer Center at Dana-Farber

Dr Ng is shown. She has 開拓するd 研究 into the 原因(となる)s of colorectal 癌 in young people, 設立するing the?Young Onset Colorectal 癌 中心 at Dana-Farber?

In her work, she has also discovered that ビタミン D levels may play a 役割 in 癌 開発.

Her 研究 showed that higher levels of it in the 血 was associated with longer 生き残り in people with CRC 癌, 特に in 行う/開催する/段階s three and four, which 示唆するs the ビタミン plays a 保護の 役割.

But how that factors into the rise in young people is still a mystery.?

So too is the 明らかな link between breastfeeding and 結腸 癌.

One 2023 熟考する/考慮する 設立する that having been breastfed as an 幼児 was associated with a 23 パーセント 増加するd 危険 of colorectal 癌 later in life, and Dr Ng said this corresponded with findings from other 熟考する/考慮するs she's reviewed.

But Dr Ng said this is no 推論する/理由 to stop breastfeeding your baby.?

'We did see an 協会 between women who 報告(する)/憶測d that they were breastfed as an 幼児 in developing polyps [in their 結腸], 含むing high 危険 polyps before they were age 50,' she said.?

'And we know that these polyps are the precursor lesion to developing colorectal 癌 later on. So that 協会 was seen and does seem pretty 一貫した across different 熟考する/考慮するs.'?

The findings 示すd a need for more 研究 into how this 協会 持つ/拘留するs up in larger groups over a lifetime.?

'And I think, again, this really is going to be pointing 支援する to some 環境の change that's happened recently that is likely 与える/捧げるing to why this is happening.'

In 2010, there were 306 事例/患者s of GI 癌s per capita of adults 老年の 20 to 29. That rose to 485 in 2019, an 増加する of 58 パーセント. For people 30 to 39, the number rose 44 パーセント, from 1,184 事例/患者s per capita in 2010 to 1,710 事例/患者s per capita in 2019.

But の中で older people, who remain the most likely to get 癌, the 率 of incidence and mortality has been 落ちるing.?

Dr Ng said: 'So we know 全体にわたる the silver lining is that colorectal 癌 has been 拒絶する/低下するing... if you consider people of all ages.

And that is 大部分は 予定 to successes of 審査 programs, better 固守 to 審査 and also 改善するd 治療s.

'But this same 利益 and 改良 has not been seen in people under the age of 50.?

'And we do think it's probably an 環境の (危険などに)さらす or 危険 factor or combination of such that is likely 主要な to the rise of this 病気 in younger people.'

he has discovered that vitamin D levels may play a role in cancer development. Her research showed that higher levels of it in the blood was associated with longer survival in people with CRC cancer

he has discovered that ビタミン D levels may play a 役割 in 癌 開発. Her 研究 showed that higher levels of it in the 血 was associated with longer 生き残り in people with CRC 癌?

She 追加するd: 'I think the take-home message is that there is an 緊急 to doing the 研究 here to understanding what are the 危険 factors underlying this rise, what are the 原因(となる)s??

'And if we understood that, then we can identify the young people who are at high 危険 and 的 them for earlier 審査.'

Colorectal, stomach, and pancreatic 癌s are の中で the most 積極的な, 特に if the diagnosis is 延期するd, which they often are 予定 to how ありふれた their main symptoms are: sore stomach, nausea and changes to 洗面所 habits.

GI 癌s 含む those in the stomach, esophagus, 結腸 and rectum, 肝臓, 膵臓, gall bladder, and small intestine.?

Dr Ng has 支持するd for years for the 政府 and doctor groups to lower the age at which 審査 begins in people under 45 ― something which (機の)カム to fruition in 2021.

And while there has been some chatter about even younger groups getting 定期的に 実験(する)d, Dr Ng said the youngest groups still account for a small 株 of 事例/患者s.

だいたい 150,000 患者s are 診断するd each year with colorectal 癌 in the US. About 18,000 of them are under the age of 50, Dr Ng said.?

But she is raising 認識/意識性 about the 早期に 警告 調印するs.?

'So the most ありふれた symptom that young 患者s 現在の with is 現実に seeing 血 in their stool. The second most ありふれた is 復部の or pelvic 不快 and a sense of bloating.

'And other red 旗 symptoms may 含む a change in your bowel habits. So new diarrhea, new constipation, a change in the caliber of the stool, 含むing thinner pencil thin stools.'

She 追加するd that unintentional 負わせる loss, 疲労,(軍の)雑役, and shortness of breath when 肉体的に 発揮するing oneself 'may 示す that anemia is 現在の. Those are the most ありふれた symptoms that often lead to a diagnosis of colorectal 癌.'

癌 is often thought of as an older person's 病気. Throughout one's life, 独房 損失 builds up and 原因(となる)s 独房s to behave 異なって. いつかs, they 辞退する to die off or replicate beyond what is normal, 与える/捧げるing to a build-up of what become cancerous 独房s.

Thirty-three year old?Alyssa Burks was 診断するd with 極端に 積極的な stomach 癌 in 2021. Repeat lab 実験(する)s and 血 パネル盤s (機の)カム 支援する normal, にもかかわらず her 疲労,(軍の)雑役, unintentional 負わせる loss, trouble swallowing, and 厳しい heartburn.?

The above graph shows colon cancer cases among under 50s by year. There is a drop in 2020 because the Covid pandemic led to fewer people coming forward for screenings

The above graph shows 結腸 癌 事例/患者s の中で under 50s by year. There is a 減少(する) in 2020 because the Covid pandemic led to より小数の people coming 今後 for 審査s

It wasn't until 2023 that she underwent a colonoscopy, which 暴露するd a cancerous polyp. It 始める,決める off a 支配 影響 of doctors 任命s, 一連の会議、交渉/完成するs of chemo, 外科 to 除去する her stomach where the 癌 had spread, and surgical 除去 of her reproductive 組織/臓器s.?

After the 外科 to 除去する her ovaries at 33, her doctor told her that her 癌 was 'very angry': 'It 拡大するd throughout my stomach and climbed その上の into my esophagus. It was (悪事,秘密などを)発見するd in 27 lymph nodes, which 示すd it metastasized to other parts of my 団体/死体. I wasn't 癌-解放する/自由な at all―instead, I was 取引,協定ing with an 極端に 積極的な form.'?

Most 最近の 実験(する)ing showed that the 癌 was still in her 団体/死体, doctors just could not 決定する where. It's a symptom of gaps in the 医療の community's knowledge of how and why 癌s spread so ferociously in people under 50.?

She said: '現在/一般に, I'm in this strange position where I know I still have 癌, but it's not 存在 扱う/治療するd. It feels weird to just leave it alone.?

'I'm going to get a 十分な-団体/死体 ざっと目を通す to see where it might have spread in my 団体/死体, but imaging 実験(する)s aren't 広大な/多数の/重要な at 選ぶing up my type of 癌. Still, I'm hoping it will give me some answers so that I can 圧力(をかける) my team for other 治療 before it gets worse.'?




事例/患者s of colorectal 癌s in young people are 推定する/予想するd to 二塁打 by 2030. And while obesity ? which 影響する/感情s 42 パーセント of Americans ? is a 運動ing factor of CRC and other 癌s, it cannot be the 単独の explanation.

Dr Andrea Cercek, an oncologist at 記念の Sloan Kettering 癌 中心, said: 'The rise in obesity alone does not explain the growth of GI 癌s in younger people.

'We are also looking at other possible factors, 含むing toxins we may be ingesting in our food, like hormones, or changes 原因(となる)d by 抗生物質s to the microbiome in our 団体/死体s, which are bacteria and other microbes that help us digest our food. All of these and more are 存在 調査/捜査するd.'

Scientists have recently begun to 焦点(を合わせる) on forever 化学製品s, 含むing microplastics, which have 侵入するd the 団体/死体s of 97 パーセント of Americans, as a 運動ing 軍隊.

The 化学製品s 工夫するd by home goods 巨大(な) 3M in the 1940s are 極端に 執拗な in the 環境 and the human 団体/死体, taking months or even years to break 負かす/撃墜する.

熟考する/考慮するs have 示唆するd that these 化学製品s can 原因(となる) 普及した inflammation in bodily tissues, high 血 圧力, hormone 干渉,妨害, 甲状腺 病気, high cholesterol, and a 弱めるd 免疫の system.

All of this raises the 危険 of developing a wide array of 癌s beyond just gastrointestinal, 含むing ovarian, 腎臓, breast, and testicular 癌s.

癌s that have spread beyond 組織/臓器s in the GI tract are far more likely to be 致命的な.?

Late 行う/開催する/段階 結腸 癌 has a five-year 生き残り 率 of about 13 パーセント, and that of rectum 癌 is 18 パーセント.?

Pancreatic 癌 than has spread, 一方/合間, has a surival 率 of about 15 パーセント.?

Dr Ng said thanks in part to her 開拓するing 研究, the 未来 in 医療の 進歩s looks 有望な: 'The hope in science is limitless and it has resulted in 発見s that have changed the way 患者s are 扱う/治療するd and that has more than 二塁打d the 生き残り of 患者s with colorectal 癌.?

'There are 前進するs 存在 made everyday. The longer you are around, and 栄えるing on 治療, the more new 前進するs will be made.'?