• The ビデオ of the attack was 空気/公表するd by Friday six months after the R&B singer とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 that 始める,決める off a wave of 類似の 事例/患者s and public 主張s against one of the most 影響力のある music moguls of the past thre e 10年間s?

Sean 'Diddy' 徹底的に捜すs made himself sound like a 犠牲者 in the Instagram 陳謝 ビデオ he 地位,任命するd in the 影響 of CNN's 公表/放送 of a clip showing him psychically 乱用ing his former girlfriend, a 団体/死体 language 専門家 競うs.?

The ビデオ was 空気/公表するd by Friday six months after singer Cassie とじ込み/提出するd a 訴訟 that 始める,決める off a wave of 類似の 事例/患者s and public 主張s against one of the most 影響力のある music moguls of the past three 10年間s. The 事例/患者 was settled out of 法廷,裁判所.?

に引き続いて that 出来事/事件, Diddy said that he sought therapy and asked God for forgiveness. During his ビデオ, which was 地位,任命するd on Sunday, the Bad Boy 創立者 never について言及するs Cassie by 指名する or any of the other women who are 主張するing 乱用.

Now 団体/死体 language 専門家?Judi James ?told the Daily Mirror?that Diddy でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れるd himself as a 犠牲者 in the ビデオ.?

When Diddy said: 'It's difficult to 反映する on the darkest times in your life,' James said that he was 暗示するing 'that his 行為 was the 肉親,親類d of thing we've all been 有罪の of at some point in our lives.'?

A body language expert claims that Diddy made himself sound a like a victim in his apology video that was uploaded after CNN aired its exclusive

A 団体/死体 language 専門家 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that Diddy made himself sound a like a 犠牲者 in his 陳謝 ビデオ that was uploaded after CNN 空気/公表するd its 排除的?

Diddy regularly used 'you' rather than 'I' in order to imply 'that his behavior was the kind of thing we've all been guilty of at some point in our lives'

Diddy 定期的に used 'you' rather than 'I' ーするために 暗示する 'that his 行為 was the 肉親,親類d of thing we've all been 有罪の of at some point in our lives'

Diddy later 明言する/公表するs: 'I was at 激しく揺する 底(に届く),' James says this was an '試みる/企てる to 争う for sympathy.' As was his 声明: 'I had to go therapy.'?

Diddy said both: 'I'm so sorry' and 'I'm truly sorry.' James 公式文書,認めるd: 'It's difficult to guess who he is わびるing to and for what. Is it his fans? Because there is no について言及する of his ex-girlfriend here.'?

James also pointed out that Diddy's 権利 cheek winced, a 'micro gesture,' when he called his 活動/戦闘s 'inexcusable.'??

Dr. Lillian Glass?- who has?served as an 専門家 証言,証人/目撃する in both and 明言する/公表する 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者s and is qualified in the area of 声の 法廷のs and Behavioral 分析 - told MailOnline that Diddy is 存在 truthful when he says that he is not asking for forgiveness.?

'At the end of the 声明, he says, "I am not asking for forgiveness." He is showing his true self here because it is true. He isn’t asking for forgiveness, and he never says sorry once to this poor woman he 乱用d,' Dr. Glass, who authored the best-selling 調書をとる/予約する The 団体/死体 Language of Liars: From Little White Lies to Pathological Deception, said.?

'He says sorry to the public but he is not sorry. He is a liar and there are countless examples throughout this ビデオ that show that. There was no 本物の emotion. He was very mo notone. Moonfaced - he had just one 表現. He showed no 悔恨 どれでも.'

'When someone is remorseful there is a lot more inflection that goes into the 発言する/表明する. It is more up and 負かす/撃墜する. There was 非,不,無 of that in his いわゆる 陳謝. He looks away so many times throughout this 声明.'

'ーに関して/ーの点でs of the actual physiology of the human 団体/死体, your 団体/死体 does not 嘘(をつく). The limbic system is 深い in your brain and that 支配(する)/統制するs your emotions. It cannot 嘘(をつく). He keeps shaking his 長,率いる no and he looks up as he is trying to 製造(する) what he is trying to say.'?

'He looks 負かす/撃墜する, up, to the 味方する and everywhere but 直接/まっすぐに in the camera. This is showing a 完全にする dissociation.?There is something very 乱すing about this man and very 悪意のある. You are seeing the pathology of this man.'

Sean Combs and Cassie Ventura attend the premiere of 'The Perfect Match'? in Hollywood, California. Two days earlier Combs assaulted Ventura in a hotel hallway

Sean 徹底的に捜すs and Cassie Ventura …に出席する the 首相 of 'The Perfect Match'? in Hollywood, California. Two days earlier 徹底的に捜すs 強襲,強姦d Ventura in a hotel hallway

Those 見解(をとる)s were 株d by 弁護士/代理人/検事 Meredith Firetog, an 弁護士/代理人/検事 専攻するing in?on gender 差別 and いやがらせ with Wigdor LLP.

Firetog told The 包む: '徹底的に捜すs' most 最近の 声明 is more about himself than the many people he has 傷つける.'

'When Cassie and 多重の other women (機の)カム 今後, he 否定するd everything and 示唆するd that his 犠牲者s were looking for a payday,' the lawyer said.?

'That he was only compelled to 'わびる' once his repeated 否定s were proven 誤った shows his pathetic desperation, and no one will be swayed by his disingenuous words.'

The CNN? ?ビデオ closely mirrors an 強襲,強姦 述べるd in singer Cassie's 訴訟, which said 徹底的に捜すs had already punched her that night, and she was trying to leave the InterContinental Hotel in Los Angeles when he woke and (機の)カム after her.?

?In the (映画の)フィート数, a man who appears to be Diddy, wearing only a towel, punches Ventura, kicks her, and throws her on to the 床に打ち倒す.?

The 訴訟 主張するs 徹底的に捜すs paid $50,000 to take away the ビデオ at the time. 徹底的に捜すs' 代表者/国会議員s had no 即座の comment.

The Los Angeles 地区 弁護士/代理人/検事's Office said it hadn't been 現在のd with a 事例/患者 in the attack 描写するd in the ビデオ.?

And that even if 法律 施行 現在のd a 事例/患者 to 検察官,検事s, the 法令 of 制限s would 適用する, 妨げるing them from 非難する 徹底的に捜すs, the office said in a 声明 地位,任命するd on social マスコミ.

Just a week ago, 徹底的に捜すs' lawyers asked?連邦の 裁判官 to 解任する the Dec. 6 訴訟 that 申し立てられた/疑わしい he and two co-被告s 強姦d a 17-year-old girl from Michigan in a New York 記録,記録的な/記録するing studio.?

Again, the 反対s are procedural ― 主張するing the 訴訟 was とじ込み/提出するd too late under the 法律 ― but the 法廷,裁判所 文書 calls its (人命などを)奪う,主張するs '誤った and hideous.'

After Cassie's 訴訟 was settled,?several more 訴訟s were とじ込み/提出するd in the に引き続いて months, along with a 連邦の 犯罪の sex-trafficking 調査 that led 当局 to (警察の)手入れ,急襲 徹底的に捜すs' mansions in Los Angeles and Miami.?

In December,?徹底的に捜すs 地位,任命するd a 声明 on Instagram 概して 否定するing the truth of all of them.

'Let me 絶対 (疑いを)晴らす. I did not do any of the awful things 存在 申し立てられた/疑わしい,' that 地位,任命する said.

The 安全 camera ビデオ, 時代遅れの March 5, 2016, closely 似ているs the description of an 出来事/事件 at an InterContinental Hotel in the Century City area of Los Angeles 述べるd in Ventura' 訴訟.?

The 控訴 主張するs that 徹底的に捜すs paid the hotel $50,000 for the 安全 ビデオ すぐに after the 出来事/事件. Neither he or his 代表者/国会議員s have 演説(する)/住所d that 明確な/細部 主張. CNN did not say how it 得るd the (映画の)フィート数.

The 控訴 said Ventura had been trying to get away from a sleeping 徹底的に捜すs, who had already punched her in the 直面する before the ビデオ began.

徹底的に捜すs is not in danger of 存在 有罪に 起訴するd for the (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing. The 法令s of 制限s for the 強襲,強姦 and 殴打/砲列 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s he would be likely to 直面する 満了する/死ぬd years ago.

The same is true of many of the 主張s in the 訴訟s, but the 連邦の 捜査官/調査官s に引き続いて 徹底的に捜すs are likely looking for 可能性のある 罪,犯罪s they can bring under the 法律.

Ventura 調印するd to Diddy’s label in 2005. The two had an on-again-off-again romantic 関係 for more than a 10年間 starting in 2007.< /p>