Aussies divided as NEW (映画の)フィート数 現れるs of the moments before Anthony Albanese spoke at anti-暴力/激しさ 決起大会/結集させる and 'made 女性(の) organiser cry'

New (映画の)フィート数 has surfaced of Anthony Albanese asking to speak at an anti-暴力/激しさ 抗議する, stirring up その上の 審議 about his 活動/戦闘s after the organiser (刑事)被告 him of lying.

The 抗議する in Canberra on Sunday, organised by woman's 暴力/激しさ charity What Were You Wearing, was 需要・要求するing 活動/戦闘 after the deaths of at least 26 women in 2024 at the 手渡すs of men, many their partners.

Mr Albanese told the (人が)群がる he had 最初 been asked not to speak, 誘発するing 決起大会/結集させる organiser Sarah Williams to say that was 'a flat-out 嘘(をつく)' as she started to cry.

But in a longer ビデオ taken before Mr Albanese spoke to the (人が)群がる, Ms Williams can be heard 説 she did not want 政治家,政治屋s, 含むing the 総理大臣, to 演説(する)/住所 the 抗議する.

'I 現実に, to be honest, don't really want anyone to speak because I don't think they should be given the microphone,' she is heard 説, as Mr Albanese stood nearby.

'I do think it's going to be the s*** Sarah show ...and I'm going to become the next Brittany Higgins'.

'I'm happy for my What Were You Wearing team to talk with the 大臣s, hear what they have to say and then we'll consider the 決定/判定勝ち(する) of them speaking in about ten minutes.'

Aussies are divided over Anthony Albanese's widely criticised rally intervention
 after new footage shows the organiser initially saying she doesn't want him to speak

Aussies are divided over Anthony Albanese's 広範囲にわたって criticised 決起大会/結集させる 介入 after new (映画の)フィート数 shows the organiser 最初 説 she doesn't want him to speak

It was at this moment Mr Albanese 宣言するs: 'Do you want me to speak or not? I am the 総理大臣.'

Ms Williams, looking 直接/まっすぐに at Mr Albanese, replies: 'But I'm not having any attacks に向かって myself or the organisation.'

'Speaking or not speaking,' she asks the (人が)群がる, who appear to 答える/応じる 圧倒的に in favour of Mr Albanese speaking.

Ms Williams then 手渡すs him the microphone and he starts his 演説(する)/住所.

While the 出来事/事件 was 最初 regarded as a PR 災害 for Mr Albanese, the 状況 given by the longer clip led some to take the 総理大臣's 味方する.

'I'm no big Albo fan but from this ビデオ, to me, it seems really 明らかな that Albo was there under the 期待 he would NOT be speaking,' they wrote.

'To me, 暗示するs he had been told organisers didn't want him to speak, and then when asked he seemed 混乱させるd.'

Another said: 'Albo is 有罪の of nothing but a 貧しく phrased 確定/確認 that the organiser wants him to speak'.

Many (刑事)被告 Ms Williams and other organisers of '手渡す ling it badl, turning what should have been a powerful 抗議する into a political spat.??

Ms Williams (pictured) who is an advocate against domestic and sexual violence, burst into tears while the Prime Minister spoke to the crowd

Ms Williams (pictured) who is an 支持する against 国内の and 性の 暴力/激しさ, burst into 涙/ほころびs while the 総理大臣 spoke to the (人が)群がる

Many observers on social media were critical of Ms Williams (pictured left) and the other organisers, accusing them of 'handling it badly'

Many 観察者/傍聴者s on social マスコミ were 批判的な of Ms Williams (pictured left) and the other organisers, 告発する/非難するing them of '扱うing it 不正に'

Anthony Albanese (third from left) was captured saying, 'I'm the Prime Minister,' in a tense exchange with domestic violence rally organiser Sarah Williams (far right, in hi-vis) on Sunday

Anthony Albanese (third from left) was 逮捕(する)d 説, 'I'm the 総理大臣,' in a 緊張した 交流 with 国内の 暴力/激しさ 決起大会/結集させる organiser Sarah Williams (far 権利, in hi-vis) on Sunday

'The 焦点(を合わせる), instead of 存在 what should be done to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the 問題/発行する of men's 暴力/激しさ against women, is now on 人物/姿/数字ing out the shitstorm of where they 告発する/非難する the PM of lying (he did not),' wrote one.

However, not everyone was 納得させるd the 延長するd (映画の)フィート数 excused Mr Albanese? from 告訴,告発s of 存在 intrusive.

'He still spoke over her from a position of 力/強力にする and pretended she wasn't there while trying to make a point,' one commenter said.

Ms Williams was 毅然とした Mr Albanese had misrepresented the 状況/情勢.

'The 総理大臣 of this country lied to his country today,' she wrote on Sunday.?

'Albanese's office made it (疑いを)晴らす he was just walking and was not 利益/興味d in speaking. Myself and WWYW never 否定するd him from speaking. He never asked to speak'.

Ms Williams also (人命などを)奪う,主張するd she overheard Mr Albanese say, 'I'm the 首相. I run this country.'

Ms Williams said she 手配中の,お尋ね者 an 陳謝 from Mr Albanese for 原因(となる)ing her 苦しめる, and to be 含むd in?協議s about what was needed from 政府 to 緩和する 国内の 暴力/激しさ.

'If he does think I've done a good 職業, why hasn't he reached out, why aren't we 会合 soon, why am I not 会合 with an 助言者?' Ms Williams said.

'It would be nice to have a 返答 from him to 現実に 人物/姿/数字 out what happened, to see if we could make change, because the 優先 is to 解決する 暴力/激しさ against women.'

Daily Mail Australia 以前 接触するd Mr Albanese for その上の comment.?


Mr Albanese (pictured) has been labelled a liar over the comments he made at the rally on the weekend and refused to answer questions about them when asked on breakfast TV on Monday

Mr Albanese (pictured) has been labelled a liar over the comments he made at the 決起大会/結集させる on the 週末 and 辞退するd to answer questions about them when asked on breakfast TV on Monday