US says EU understands 5G 危険s but 押し進めるs on Huawei

Visitors walk past the booth of Huawei promoting its P30 Pro smartphone at the IFA electronics fair in Berlin in September 2019

訪問者s walk past the booth of Huawei 促進するing its P30 プロの/賛成の smartphone at the IFA electronics fair in Berlin in September 2019

The 部隊d 明言する/公表するs on Thursday welcomed the European Union's new 支配するs on fifth-世代 internet but 圧力(をかける)d them to go その上の after the 圏 resisted Washington's 圧力 to 禁止(する) 中国's Huawei 直接/まっすぐに.

The European Union, setting 指導基準s that mirror those 発表するd a day earlier by Britain, said Wednesday that countries should 禁止(する) telecoms 操作者s みなすd to be a 安全 危険.

But it stopped short of banning Huawei, which Washington says is an arm of 中国's 共産主義者 政権, and left the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to each country.

"We call on our European 同盟(する)s and partners to 器具/実施する the EU 推薦s by 可決する・採択するing strong, 危険-based 安全 対策 that 除外する high-危険 供給者s from all parts of their 5G 網状組織s," 国務長官 マイク Pompeo said in a 声明.

Pompeo 繰り返し言うd the US 決意 to 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 Huawei and fellow Chinese company ZTE, 説 both were "支配する to the direction of the Chinese 共産主義者 Party."

"It is misguided to think that the 危険s associated with 任命する/導入するing 器具/備品 from sup pliers 支配する to 支配(する)/統制する by 権威主義者 政権s with a 跡をつける 記録,記録的な/記録する of malign cyber 行為 can be mitigated," Pompeo said.

にもかかわらず US 圧力, Huawei has been 広範囲にわたって embraced in much of the world, 含むing in parts of the European Union, in part for its 競争の激しい price.

It is one of the few companies 有能な of building 5G 網状組織s and is 広範囲にわたって 見解(をとる)d as 供給するing the most 前進するd 選択 at this point for the 最高の-急速な/放蕩な data 移転s behind 科学(工学)技術s such as self-運動ing cars.