Baltimore police commissioner 出発/死ing after 4 years; led department through 法廷,裁判所-ordered 改革(する)s

BALTIMORE (AP) - Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael S. Harrison is stepping 負かす/撃墜する after four years in the 役割, a 任期 that 焦点(を合わせる)d on 主要な the city´s 戦闘の準備を整えた police department through a 一連の 改革(する) 成果/努力s に引き続いて the 2015 death of Freddie Gray.

Harrison´s 出発 was 発表するd Thursday morning at a news 会議/協議会 held on short notice at City Hall.

Baltimore 市長 Brandon Scott said the 決定/判定勝ち(する) (機の)カム after 非常に/多数の conversations with Harrison over the past few weeks, and Harrison said he does not have another 職業 適切な時期 lined up. Both 供給するd vague answers when asked about the タイミング, 焦点(を合わせる)ing instead on the 進歩 the department has 論証するd since Harrison took office in March 2019 and 誓約(する)d to change the culture of policing in Baltimore.

"In those conversations, it became 納得させるing to me that this was the most opportune time for me to pass the たいまつ," Harrison said during the news 会議/協議会. "We truly have become the greatest 復帰 story in America."

In the 悪名高くも violent city, 殺人s and 狙撃s have been 傾向ing downward in 最近の months, though Harrison´s critics argue the 削減 is too little too late. Officers are using いっそう少なく 軍隊 against 国民s as Scott´s 行政 continues touting a holistic approach to public safety.

Harrison was serving under a five-year 契約, which would have ended in March 2024. He moved to Baltimore from New Orleans, where he rose through the 階級s of that city´s police department and 最終的に led the 機関 through a 改革(する) 過程 類似の to the 法廷,裁判所-ordered changes 存在 器具/実施するd in Baltimore. He´s lasted 意味ありげに longer than many of his 最近の 前任者s.

FILE - Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison speaks during a news conference, July 23, 2019, in Baltimore. Commissioner Harrison is stepping down after four years in the role, a tenure that focused on leading the city. Harrison's departure was announced Thursday, June 8, 2023 at a news conference held on short notice at City Hall. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File)

FILE - Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison speaks during a news 会議/協議会, July 23, 2019, in Baltimore. Commissioner Harrison is stepping 負かす/撃墜する after four years i n the 役割, a 任期 that 焦点(を合わせる)d on 主要な the city. Harrison's 出発 was 発表するd Thursday, June 8, 2023 at a news 会議/協議会 held on short notice at City Hall. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez, とじ込み/提出する)

The Baltimore Police Department was placed under a 連邦の 同意 法令 in 2017 after 司法省 捜査官/調査官s 設立する a pattern of 憲法違反の policing. Harrison was chosen to lead the department through that period of 改革(する), which (機の)カム after Gray´s death in Baltimore police 保護/拘留 - a 悲劇 that spurred civil 不安 across the city and 増加するd scrutiny of its policing practices.

Scott said he´s chosen 副 Commissioner Richard Worley to 後継する Harrison as 事実上の/代理 commissioner. Worley, a 25-year 退役軍人 of the 軍隊, has spent his entire 法律 施行 career climbing the 階級s of his hometown police department.

In a 声明 解放(する)d soon after the 告示 Thursday morning, Baltimore´s police union 表明するd support for Worley. Union leadership had been 率直に 批判的な of Harrison throughout his 任期, calling his 罪,犯罪-fighting 戦略s too lenient and bemoaning the department´s 深くするing 動員可能数 不足.

"How many have lost their lives from this failed approach?" union leadership said on Twitter, 追加するing they hope Worley will 論証する a 新たにするd 焦点(を合わせる) on 新採用するing and 保持するing more officers to fill the department´s 階級s and get violent 犯罪のs off the streets.

When asked why he chose Worley, the 市長 alluded to the 退役軍人 officer´s ability to connect with members of the 階級 and とじ込み/提出する, 同様に as the 国民s o f Baltimore who want police to 扱う/治療する them 公正に/かなり and keep them 安全な. Harrison also said his 計画(する) all along was to groom a 後継者 from within the department.

"All those things together led me to that 決定/判定勝ち(する)," Scott said. "As a fellow son of Baltimore and an experienced public servant, it is (疑いを)晴らす that he is the 権利 person to lead this department into the 未来."

During a police department 予算 審理,公聴会 earlier this week, Harrison hedged when asked whether he would stay in Baltimore through the end of his 契約, 説 that 決定/判定勝ち(する) would 落ちる to the 市長. But he adamantly 否定するd he was 捜し出すing the 長,指導者 position in Washington, D.C. after 噂するs 循環させるd to that 影響.

The questions from 会議 members (機の)カム after Harrison gave a 簡潔な/要約する 贈呈 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)ing the department´s 最近の 業績/成就s.

"We are not taking a victory (競技場の)トラック一周. We are not 宣言するing 使節団 遂行するd," Harrison said during the 審理,公聴会. "However, we are very encouraged that the 罪,犯罪 傾向s continue on a downward trajectory and that the department is on a much better path."

Harrison, whose unflappable presence and 穏やかな-mannered temperament have won him 賞賛する, 供給するd the Baltimore Police Department with a rare period of stable leadership. Before him, the commissioner 職業 changed 手渡すs five times in four years.

事前の to coming to Baltimore, Harrison had spent three 10年間s in さまざまな 役割s with the New Orleans Police Department.

News of his 出発 comes at a time of 転換ing 態度s toward public safety の中で city leaders.

Last week, Baltimore 明言する/公表する´s 弁護士/代理人/検事 Ivan Bates, who took office in January, 発表するd a new program that 許すs police to 問題/発行する citations for minor 罪,犯罪s such as loitering, 麻薬 所有/入手 and public urination. The program 示すs a 重要な 出発 from the more 進歩/革新的な 政策s of his 前任者 Marilyn Mosby, who 拒絶する/低下するd to 起訴する such low-level 事例/患者s. Bates 現在のd the change as a "return to accountability" in Baltimore and Harrison 表明するd his support, 説 it would 許す his officers to be more proactive.

In a 声明 Thursday, Bates 賞賛するd Harrison´s 改革(する) 成果/努力s, which he called "one of the most impressive 陳列する,発揮するs of leadership our city has seen in its troubled history of 集まり incarceration and 乱用s of 力/強力にする."

にもかかわらず 器具/実施するing a 十分な 精密検査する of department 政策 and training, Harrison 繰り返して 直面するd 批評 for failing to 意味ありげに 減ずる gun 暴力/激しさ; Baltimore 殺人s have より勝るd 300 毎年 for the past eight years.

In 返答 to such 批評, Harrison often 強調する/ストレスd the importance of 演説(する)/住所ing the root 原因(となる)s of 暴力/激しさ, a symptom of myriad social challenges that can´t be solved through 法律 施行 活動/戦闘 alone.