大臣s need to 妨げる dress code 課税 on イスラム教徒 women, says think 戦車/タンク

The 政府 needs to take a stronger 姿勢 in 妨げるing the 課税 of dress codes on イスラム教徒 women, a think 戦車/タンク has said.

A new 報告(する)/憶測 by 政策 交流 discusses how Islamist groups have 支配するd the discourse surrounding 宗教的な 着せる/賦与するing in the UK and beyond, 潜在的に 限界ing the freedom of choice for イスラム教徒 women in 事柄s of 着せる/賦与するing.

The think 戦車/タンク 強調s how public 恐れる of Islamophobia can lead to Islamist groups stifling open 審議 about 宗教的な attire in the UK, even though women in many Islamic countries are 抗議するing against the hijab’s 課税 as an oppressive 衣料品.

The 報告(する)/憶測, 肩書を与えるd The 象徴的な 力/強力にする of the 隠す, recommends the 政府 should 供給する clearer 指導/手引 to schools regarding dress codes and 宗教的な attire, and 供給する examples.

How are we going to criticise the harmful 面s of social and 宗教的な practices and customs if the 即座の reaction is 告訴,告発s of Islamophobia?
報告(する)/憶測 co-author Professor Elham Manea

Under such 指導/手引, the think 戦車/タンク says, schools may 融通する 宗教的な headwear such as the hijab, but they should not 要求する it as part of the uniform.

によれば the 報告(する)/憶測, the 政府 should also resist any 鮮明度/定義 of Islamophobia that 制限するs 批評 of 宗教的な practices, 含むing the dress code.

Think tank Policy Exchange has made recommendations to the Government on guidance 
for schools over religious clothing (Dominic Lipinski/PA)

Think 戦車/タンク 政策 交流 has made 推薦s to the 政府 on 指導/手引 for schools over 宗教的な 着せる/賦与するing (Dominic Lipinski/PA)

The 重要な findings and 推薦s in the 報告(する)/憶測 are 支援するd by 労働 MP Khalid Mahmood (Birmingham, Perry Barr), who said: “A 確かな 割合 of イスラム教徒 women may wish to wear a hijab or a niqab to 公然と 論証する their イスラム教徒 身元.

“But the wearing of the hijab 明確に does not 代表する all イスラム教徒 women. And it is grossly insensitive to those イスラム教徒 women in Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen and どこかよそで who are compelled against their wishes to wear the hijab to 宣言する that it does.”

Another 推薦 is that the 政府 should 避ける 是認するing or 促進するing 明確な/細部 宗教的な attire.

It (テニスなどの)シングルス out the Foreign Office for celebrating World Hijab Day in 2018, with hijabs 存在 分配するd の中で civil servants.

The 報告(する)/憶測’s author, former British 外交官/大使 to Saudi Arabia and 上級の fellow at 政策 交流, Sir John Jenkins, said: “最近の events in Iran have 明らかにする/漏らすd once again not just the 象徴的な 力/強力にする of Islamic 隠すing and other vestimentary codes but also the way they can be ? and are ? (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd to discipline individuals, groups and indeed entire societies in the 利益/興味s of 権威主義者 and unaccountable political and 宗教的な エリートs.”

The 報告(する)/憶測’s co-author, human 権利s 支持する Professor Elham Manea, 追加するd: “Freedom of opinion and speech is not some 肉親,親類d of extra, to be used as a cheerful スローガン whenever we see fit.

“It has a 目的: to speak truth to 力/強力にする, to challenge hegemonic 権威主義者 and 宗教的な orders, and to 押し進める for 改革(する)s and for the 保護 of individual basic 権利s.

“How are we going to criticise the harmful 面s of social and 宗教的な practices and customs if the 即座の reaction is 告訴,告発s of Islamophobia?”