Brother of London 橋(渡しをする) 攻撃者 felt `有能な in 監視するing him´ alone

The eldest brother of one of the London 橋(渡しをする) テロリストs did not 報告(する)/憶測 him to 当局 as he felt “有能な in 監視するing him” alone, an 検死 has heard.

Saad Butt, who had carried out anti-extremism work with 政府 基金ing and also advised Scotland Yard, said he felt “competent” 監督するing 攻撃者 Khuram Butt, 27, “because of the background that I’ve got”.

The 青年 労働者 gave 証拠 at the 検死 into the deaths of the eight 犠牲者s at the Old Bailey on Friday.

After Butt 表明するd a 願望(する) to live in the Isis caliphate, and bought one-way tickets to Turkey for himself and his wife Zahrah in 2015, counsel to the 検死官 Jonathan Hough QC asked if Mr Butt considered telling the 安全 services.

Mr Butt, who worked for a 事業/計画(する) called the Young イスラム教徒 (a)忠告の/(n)警報 Group up until 2012, replied: “Not at all. I felt 有能な in 監視するing him, keeping in touch with him. I felt competent in doing that because of the background I had.”

Mr Butt also told the 法廷,裁判所 he did not know his brother had appeared in a Channel 4 文書の called the Jihadis Next Door in 2016 ? a time when he was grieving over the death of his daughter in an 事故.

Mr Hough said: “Some may think it surprising that your brother appeared in a 国家的に broadcast programme associating with 極端論者s, something most people find very shocking, that you, his 年上の brother, were not told about that by the 残り/休憩(する) of the family.”

Mr Butt replied: “My daughter died because of third degree 燃やすs and I think as far as the family was 関心d that was the least of my worries.”

He 追加するd: “Me and my wife 全く 崩壊(する)d.”

The 検死 heard that between 2015 and 2017 Butt had 表明するd strong anti-Western 見解(をとる)s, 株d ビデオs of child beheadings on WhatsApp, and been expelled from a イスラム教寺院 because of his 見解(をとる)s.

He also had a “physical altercation” with someone from the anti-extremism Quilliam Organis ation over a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 about Darwinism and 進化, the 法廷,裁判所 heard.

Two other family members had 報告(する)/憶測d the jihadist on two different occasions in 2015, the 検死 heard.

After Butt was 逮捕(する)d in October 2016 for 詐欺, but with 反対する-terror officers 伴う/関わるd in the (警察の)手入れ,急襲, Mr Butt said he felt “安心させるd” 当局 were “doing their part in the background to 監視する him”.

At a barbecue held by Butt to celebrate his daughter’s birth just weeks before the 残虐(行為), one of his associates skewered a piece of meat and said “this is how you gut a kuffar (非,不,無-イスラム教徒)”, Mr Butt told the 審理,公聴会.

The next day fellow 攻撃者 Rachid Redouane bought the three 12in ceramic knives used in the 虐殺(する).

Mr Butt also told the 法廷,裁判所 of a dream he had in April 2017, where his brother approached him “with a shaven 直面する and a 自殺 vest” and “just as he’s about to 爆発させる it I 抱擁する him”.

Eight people were killed and 48 others 負傷させるd when Butt, Redouane, 30, and Youssef Zaghba, 22, 開始する,打ち上げるd a 先頭 and knife attack on June 3 2017.

The three men mowed 負かす/撃墜する 歩行者s on London 橋(渡しをする) before rampaging through Borough Market and stabbing people at 無作為の before they were killed by police.

Gareth Patterson QC, 代表するing six 犠牲者s’ families, 示唆するd to Mr Butt that 反対する-terror officers may have been “crying out” for his 援助.

Mr Butt replied: “At the time there was nothing he was 説 or doing that 示すd さもなければ.

“There was not even an inkling in me to 追加する to it and and say ‘this is what I think he’s doing’ because I felt 安心させるd that was 存在 done in the background.

“There was nothing その上の I could have 追加するd to it.”

Mr Butt said “in hindsight” he should have 接触するd 反対する-terror services.

On Thursday Butt’s 未亡人, Zahrah Rehman, broke 負かす/撃墜する in 法廷,裁判所 as she said she had laid flowers at the scene but is “not able to look” at photos of the 犠牲者s.

The 犠牲者s were Xavier Tho mas, 45, Christine Archibald, 30, Sara Zelenak, 21, Sebastien Belanger, 36, James McMullan, 32, Kirsty Boden, 28, Alexandre Pigeard, 26, and Ignacio Echeverria, 39, who were 殺人d in an attack which lasted いっそう少なく than 10 minutes.

The 審理,公聴会 continues.