Asian 在庫/株s 辛勝する/優位 up before U.S. 職業s data, 反抗するing 塀で囲む Street selloff

By Kevin Buckland

TOKYO, Jan 6 (Reuters) - Asian 公正,普通株主権s 伸び(る)d on Friday while the dollar hovered 近づく a one-month high as 投資家s を締めるd for 決定的な U.S. 職業s data later in the day that should 供給する 手がかり(を与える)s on how 積極的な the 連邦の Reserve will be in 強化するing 政策.

Japan's Nikkei rose 0.39%, while South Korea's Kospi jumped 0.77%. Australia's 在庫/株 (判断の)基準 was 0.56% higher.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng 決起大会/結集させるd 0.6%, although 本土/大陸 blue 半導体素子s <.CSI300) were flat in 早期に 貿易(する)ing.

MSCI's broadest 索引 of Asia-太平洋の 株 追加するd 0.29%, putting it on 跡をつける for a 1.55% 前進する for the first week of 2023, its best 週刊誌 業績/成果 in a month.

U.S. E-小型の 在庫/株 未来s ticked up 0.35%, pointing to a small bounce after the 1.16% 夜通し slide for the S&P 500.

塀で囲む Street sold off まっただ中に worries that a robustness in the 職業s market would keep the Fed raising 率s for longer, after data 解放(する)d on Thursday showed a bigger than 推定する/予想するd rise in 私的な payrolls and a 減少(する) in 失業 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

"There is 関心 that the labor market isn't showing any 調印するs of 冷静な/正味のing," putting 財政上の markets "very much on 辛勝する/優位", said Tony Sycamore, a market 分析家 at IG.

"But the important one is going to be tonight, and I don't think the bogey man is going to be in the cupboard with tonight's number."

によれば a Reuters 調査する of 経済学者s, 非,不,無-farm payrolls are 予測(する) to show on Friday that 200,000 職業s were created in December, 緩和 from November's 263,000 pace.

U.S. two-year 財務省 産する/生じるs spiked to a more than two-month high of 4.497% 夜通し but 緩和するd to 4.460% in Tokyo. The 10-year 産する/生じる, which rose as high as 3.784% in New York, dropped to 3.726%.

The U.S. 通貨 remained elevated versus major peers on Friday. The dollar 索引, which 対策 the 米国紙幣 against six 相当するものs 含むing the euro and yen, was 貿易(する)ing little changed at 105.11 after jumping 0.91% 夜通し and touching 105.27 for the first time since Dec. 8.

The dollar 索引 is up 1.57% this week, putting it on course to snap a streak of three losing weeks. It is 形態/調整ing up for the best 業績/成果 since late September.

The 米国紙幣 追加するd 0.27% to 133.755 yen, taking it 支援する に向かって Thursday's one-week high of 134.045.

The euro 辛勝する/優位d 0.09% higher to $1.05295, but remained の近くに to the 夜通し low of $1.0515, a level last seen on Dec. 12.

天然のまま oil rose, 延長するing 伸び(る)s from Thursday after data showed lower 燃料 在庫s.

Brent 天然のまま 未来s were last 79 cents, or 1%, higher at $79.48 a バーレル/樽. U.S. West Texas 中間の 天然のまま 未来s were up 80 cents, or 1.1%, at $74.47 a バーレル/樽.

(報告(する)/憶測ing by Kevin Buckland; Editing by Bradley Perrett)