Adani 選ぶs 基金ing 助言者 for 巨大(な) Australia coal 地雷 -sources

By James Regan and Sharon Klyne

SYDNEY, Aug 10 (Reuters) - India's Adani 企業s has 任命するd 法人組織の/企業の 財政/金融 会社/堅い 認める Samuel to advise on 基金ing for its multi-billion dollar coal 地雷 in the Australian outback, two sources with knowledge of the 事柄 said on Thursday.

分析家s have raised 疑問s about whether Adani can 基金 what would be Australia's biggest coal 地雷 given 対立 from green groups and volatile coal prices.

Banks 含むing Deutsche Bank and 連邦/共和国 Bank of Australia have already said they will not 供給する 基金ing.

"Adani has 委任統治(領)d 認める Samuel to advise on the 財政/金融ing," one of the sources said. Both sources asked not to be identified as they were not authorised to speak with マスコミ.

認める Samuel 拒絶する/低下するd to comment on whether it had been 任命するd to advise on 基金ing for the Carmichael 地雷, which Adani had 初めは planned to develop at a cost of A$16.5 billion ($13 billion), before last year downsizing the first 行う/開催する/段階 and trimming the cost to A$4 billion.

Adani 広報担当者 Ron Watson 拒絶する/低下するd to comment on the 任命 of 認める Samuel, but said it now needed to borrow under A$2 billion to get the 事業/計画(する) off the ground. That would 含む A$900 million in 貸付金s under Australia's Northern 領土 組織/基盤/下部構造 施設 (NAIF) programme.

"We are already talking with a number of international 財政上の 会・原則s," Watson said.

Adani, which uses coal to 生成する electricity for its 力/強力にする 商売/仕事 in India, has 始める,決める a self-課すd first 4半期/4分の1 2018 最終期限 to 完全にする 基金ing, he 追加するd.

The 地雷's 場所 400 kilometres (250 miles) from a 太平洋の Ocean shipping 終点 means the challenge of 財政/金融ing 組織/基盤/下部構造 costs has been at the 最前部 of 審議 over the 事業/計画(する)'s 経済的な viability.

Adani also continues to 直面する 合法的な and social 障害物s まっただ中に 対立 from 環境 groups arguing the 地雷 will 与える/捧げる to 全世界の warming an d 損失 the 広大な/多数の/重要な 障壁 暗礁.

The 会社/堅い has already 投資するd A$3.3 billion in the 事業/計画(する), which it says does not 脅す the 暗礁 and will 供給する India with cleaner 燃やすing Australian coal.

In the past, 認める Samuel in Australia has worked with アイロンをかける 鉱石 鉱夫 Fortescue Metals Group on a $2.4 billion 負債 raising and also advised Whitehaven Coal on refinancing a A$1.4 billion 貸付金, によれば its website. ($1 = 1.2702 Australian dollars) (報告(する)/憶測ing by James Regan and Sharon Klyne; Editing by Joseph Radford)