A burst 麻薬を吸う flooded our home: Why is the 保険会社's payout £4,942 lower than our 引用する to 直す/買収する,八百長をする it? CRANE ON THE CASE

  • T.E was 引用するd £9,553 for 修理s, but the 保険会社 only wants to 支払う/賃金 £4,611?
  • Have you been wronged by a 会社/堅い? Email helen.crane@thisismoney.co.uk

Earlier this year, we had a burst 麻薬を吸う in our 公共事業(料金)/有用性 room, which flooded the downstairs of our house.

We made a (人命などを)奪う,主張する with our 保険会社, 政策 専門家. We had several problems along the way but they 結局 (機の)カム 支援する with a 人物/姿/数字 of £4,611 for the 修理s.

However, the 引用するs we got from tradesmen 示唆するd it would cost more than 二塁打 that at £9,553.

Cleaning up: But the agreed insurance payout was far less than this reader expected

きれいにする up: But the agreed 保険 payout was far いっそう少なく than this reader 推定する/予想するd

They said the 構成要素s alone would cost £4,600, leaving just £11 for 労働 if we 受託するd the 保険会社's payout.

I knew it would be a 保守的な 見積(る), but this seems ridiculously low.

How can the difference be that much, and can we challenge it??T.E, Essex

Helen Crane, This is Money's 消費者 支持する/優勝者, replies: Flooding in your home is a nightmare to を取り引きする.

After the event you were left with squelching carpets and 支持を得ようと努めるd 床に打ち倒すing that needed to be 除去するd, and you were anxious to 空気/公表する things out to 妨げる more 損失.

But in the first few weeks after the flood, you felt 政策 専門家 left you high and (not so) 乾燥した,日照りの.

It said it would 供給する dehumidifiers and 床に打ち倒す fans to soak up some of the moisture, but these did not arrive.

When mould started growing up the 塀で囲むs two weeks later, you called again. Only at this point were you told you could 雇う your own dehumidifiers and (人命などを)奪う,主張する 支援する the money, which you did.


Our 週刊誌 column sees This is Money 消費者 専門家 Helen Crane 取り組む reader problems and 向こうずね the light on companies doing both good and bad.

Want her to 調査/捜査する a prob lem, or do you want to 賞賛する a 会社/堅い for going that extra mile? Get in touch:


政策 専門家 then sent a 請負業者 to 除去する the 床に打ち倒すing and 選ぶ up waste from outside your house, and you thought you were finally on the way to getting the home you loved 支援する.

However, this person told you they could only 除去する the 木造の 床に打ち倒すing, leaving you stuck with the wet carpet and underlay, 同様に as the 木造の 床に打ち倒すing underlay, which you had to 除去する yourself.

Almost a month after the flood, the first 返答 team from 政策 専門家's loss adjusters Trinity (人命などを)奪う,主張するs finally visited to review the 損失.

You then got a 解決/入植地 人物/姿/数字, which was for £4,611. This 含むd refunding you for the cost of the dehumidifier & 床に打ち倒す fans, which cost £231.

You thought this sounded low, and getting your own 引用するs for the 修理s 証明するd you 権利 as they (機の)カム to a total of £9,553.?

This 構成するd £6,971 for 取って代わるing the 床に打ち倒すing and door and window architraves, £2,352 for redecorating and £231 to 返す you for the dehumidifier 雇う.

The difference between what you were 引用するd for the 修理s and 政策 専門家's 提案するd payout was a 抱擁する £4,942.

When you raised this with 政策 専門家, it told you it had a 請負業者 that could do the work for that 量.

It is important to check the 言い回し of your 政策, and yours said: 'For loss or 損失 to the buildings, we will 支払う/賃金 up to the 十分な cost of 再構築するing, as long as the buildings are 定期的に 持続するd, in a good 明言する/公表する of 修理 and they are insured for the 十分な cost of 再構築するing.'?

You met all those 基準.?

Huge gap: T.E questioned her insurance payout as it fell short of her quote by almost £5,000

抱擁する gap: T.E questioned her 保険 payout as it fell short of her 引用する by almost £5,000

Under the 条件 of your 政策, you had the 選択 to either use the 保険会社's 請負業者, or receive the same 量 of cash and 雇う your own.

However, the 引用するs you had 示唆するd that the 構成要素s alone would cost £4,600, so you were 関心d that the work done for £4,611 含むing 労働 would be to the same 基準.

It didn't sound 権利, so you asked 政策 専門家 for 詳細(に述べる)s about the 範囲 of the work that would be done for that 人物/姿/数字.

The 範囲 of work is a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of all the 修理s that need to be done, based on the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from the person that visited your home.

Shockingly, you discovered that an entire room had been omitted from the 報告(する)/憶測. The loss adjuster also hadn't 含むd the cost of 取って代わるing the 閣僚s in your 公共事業(料金)/有用性 room.

Now nearly two months since the flood and still with a soggy house, you raised a (民事の)告訴 with 政策 専門家 ? but you did not hear 支援する and that is when you 接触するd me for help.

I 接触するd 政策 専門家 to explain your 関心s, and ask why a room had been 行方不明になるd off.?

It sent another loss adjuster to your home two days later to re-do the 報告(する)/憶測 on your home.

That put (疑いを)晴らす blue water between the old 人物/姿/数字 and the new, with 政策 専門家 now agreeing to 支払う/賃金 you £8,196.

While it doesn't やめる match the £9,553 you were 引用するd, it is much closer to the true cost of 修理ing your home.

A 政策 専門家 広報担当者 said: 'Our 優先 is settling policyholder (人命などを)奪う,主張するs quickly and 公正に/かなり.?

'We have been liaising with [the 顧客] and we are pleased to say we have 解決するd the 状況/情勢.'

I was pleased to be able to hurry the 保険会社 along and help you get a result, but the 重要な to this was your asking to see the 範囲 of work and realising that it didn't match what needed to be done.

While most won't 行方不明になる off a whole room, this is a really good idea when making an 保険 (人命などを)奪う,主張する as it 確実にするs you are getting the payout you are する権利を与えるd to.

Scottish 力/強力にする kept my money after cancelled switch

Late last year, I was approached in the supermarket by Scottish 力/強力にする salespeople 申し込む/申し出ing to save me money on my energy 法案s.

When I got home, I realised my 法案s were cheaper with my 存在するing provider so I 接触するd Scottish 力/強力にする straight away to 取り消す the switch.

However, £165 was taken from my bank account by Scottish 力/強力にする soon after.

I have asked for a refund several times, and been told a cheque is i n the 地位,任命する or that someone will call me 支援する, but they never do.?

I'm often told to スピードを出す/記録につける in to my account to 取り消す, but I can't as I was never given any account 詳細(に述べる)s. S.R?

The supermarket: A good place to compare the price of olives - but perhaps not energy deals

The supermarket: A good place to compare the price of olives - but perhaps not energy 取引,協定s

Helen Crane replies: I do question whether 許すing energy 会社/堅いs to give the hard sell to 顧客s during their 週刊誌 shop is a good idea.?

Given how expensive 法案s still are, it's 決定的な that people are able to compare their old and new 率s and dig into the 詳細(に述べる)s of the 関税 they are 存在 申し込む/申し出d when switching provider. Not an 平易な thing to do in the fruit and veg aisle.?

You did the 研究 when you got home and realised it wasn't a better 取引,協定 so cancelled 敏速に, and should have be en refunded for the money taken in the same fashion.?

I 接触するd Scottish 力/強力にする, and the money is now on its way to you - along with a £100 好意/親善 支払い(額).?

A spokeswoman said: 'We're sorry for the 失望/欲求不満 原因(となる)d to [S.R] and the time it's taken to 解決する this.?

'We refunded part of his 支払い(額) in January through the erroneous 移転 過程, however, as his account was の近くにd and 詳細(に述べる)s 除去するd, we were unable to refund part of his direct debit 支払い(額).

'We have been in 接触する with [S.R] and have arranged to 支払う/賃金 that 量 支援する 経由で bank 移転 and will also be making a £100 好意/親善 支払い(額) in 承認 of his experience.'