How 注目する,もくろむ-watering £470 cost of …に出席するing festivals is pricing out younger music fans

  • The cost of Glastonbury Festival tickets has risen by £75 in just two years?
  • Music fans now spend an 普通の/平均(する) of £470 on festivals each year?
  • Some 50 events have been cancelled this year as people can't afford the tickets?

Last month, 210,000 people descended on Glastonbury Festival for its 52nd year, to see the likes of Coldplay, Dua Lipa and SZA take to the famous Pyramid 行う/開催する/段階.?

Given the 猛烈な/残忍な 競争 to 安全な・保証する tickets for this and other big musical events, many would assume the festival 産業 is 栄えるing - but the truth is far from it when you look beyond the biggest 指名するs.

Just two days before the beginning of Glastonbury, Northwich's Geronimo Festival 発表するd its 取り消し for 2024, making it the 50th festival to have been cancelled, 延期するd or shut 負かす/撃墜する for good this year.

The event's organisers took the 決定/判定勝ち(する) 予定 to rising costs coupled with lower festival ticket sales,?which it 非難するd on years of high living costs.?

Giving up: Benny Greenstein was previously able to attend Wireless Festival as he covered the event for a magazine - but says he won't buy his own tickets any more as it's too expensive

Giving up: Benny Greenstein was 以前 able to …に出席する Wireless Festival as he covered the event for a magazine - but says he won't buy his own tickets any more as it's too expensive

一方/合間, the 協会 of 独立した・無所属 Festivals said it 推定する/予想するs more than 100 festivals to 苦しむ the same 運命/宿命 in 2024.

に引き続いて the 取り消し, Cheshire's Deva Festival 申し込む/申し出d a 20 per cent 割引 to festivalgoers who have proof of 購入(する) of tickets for a cancelled festival.

While events like Glastonbury, Reading and 物陰/風下d and Wireless may not be 病弱なing in 人気, ticket costs have been rising over 最近の years - and some young people say they won't be able to afford it if they go any higher.?

Tickets for Glastonbury have risen to £355, from £335 last year, and just £285 in 2022. Ten years ago tickets were £210, and were just £1 when the festival began in 1970.

Even people electing to 長,率いる to 選び出す/独身 concerts instead of festivals are likely to 直面する extreme ticket prices. Tickets for Billie Eilish's 近づいている 小旅行する dates in London are 現在/一般に on sale at more than £250 for standing tickets, much to the horror of her fans.

Those choosing to …に出席する fest ivals will spend an 普通の/平均(する) of £469.51 each year to do so 含むing tickets, travel and food and drink, MoneySupermarket's 年4回の 世帯 money 索引 shows.?

This is around 70 per cent of the 普通の/平均(する) 月毎の 使い捨てできる income of £666.53.

Festival-goers in 世代 Z - mostly adults 老年の between 16 and 27 - …に出席する three on 普通の/平均(する) each year and spend £566 in total.

However, 長,率いるing to a music festival is becoming ますます difficult when purse strings are so tight.

For 26-year-old Benny Greenstein, who has …に出席するd more than 40 festivals in the past, this means giving up on one of his passions.

Greenstein, who is a social マスコミ personality who 焦点(を合わせる)s on music and culture, told This is Money that his opinion of the events has 転換d 劇的な in 最近の years, and he can't 直面する spending his hard-earned cash on festivals anymore.

Bogged down: Greenstein says money spent attending a festival could be used for a holiday

Bogged 負かす/撃墜する: Greenstein says money spent …に出席するing a festival could be used for a holiday

'As a culture and music fanatic, I used to love festivals ? the atmosphere, the excitement. For my birthday, I'd ask my parents for a contri bution to tickets, and every summer used to be centred around which festival me and my friends 手配中の,お尋ね者 to go to,' Greenstein said.

'But in 最近の years, I've grown to hate them, for the simple fact that I could spend the same 量 of money on a summer holiday abroad in the sun, sleeping in a comfy bed.'

He said: 'Tickets alone can be 上向きs of £300, but then you have to factor in travel, drinks, food for the 週末, テントs and other (軍の)野営地,陣営ing gear ? that's hundreds and hundreds of 続けざまに猛撃するs, which people 簡単に do not have in this 気候.

'You wouldn't even have enticed me with a 解放する/自由な ticket to Glastonbury. Everything is too expensive regardless.'

We still love our music and a big night out ? we just can't afford it

A pint of beer at Glastonbury in 2024 cost a 報告(する)/憶測d £7, while soft drinks cost up to £6. Even water was 定価つきの at £2.50 for a can.

'It makes no sense to me anymore why I would spend my money on a hugely pricey 週末, the 大多数 of which might be spent in a wet テント,' Greenstein said. 'It's such a shame because when they're good, they're 広大な/多数の/重要な. It's just a 危険 for the 消費者 ? almost a 圧力 to have fun.'

Greenstein said that the high cost of …に出席するing a big festival means they might soon be 支配するd by millennials - those 老年の between 28 and 43 - as they typically have higher incomes.?

He 追加するd: 'It feels like festivals have become more of a millennial thing; they still have the 願望(する) to go out and party, but they have more 使い捨てできる income.'

によれば MoneySupermarket, millennials spend far more on music festivals than their younger 相当するものs.

On 普通の/平均(する), millennials 爆撃する out £923 each year on festivals, …に出席するing up to four separate events each summer.

'Many older 世代s think that we as young people don't want to party as much as they did 支援する in their day,' Greenstein said.?

'Are we more health-焦点(を合わせる)d? Yes, definitely, but we still love our music and a big night out ? we just can't afford it.'

Have you had enough of rising festival and gig prices? Get in touch: