Look around you, Mr 追跡(する), we already have a 'British Google', says?MAGGIE PAGANO

Jeremy 追跡(する) is plain wrong when he keeps 主張するing a ‘British Google’ should be the exemplar of our 産業の success and why the UK should be the world’s next Silicon Valley.

The (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 said it again at the Dorneywood 首脳会議 he hosted last week in a 企て,努力,提案 to attract ? and keep ? more listings on the London 在庫/株 交流 同様に as 上げるing our 資本/首都 markets.?

‘I’d like to see a British Alphabet, I’d like to see a British Microsoft… a homegrown company with a 一兆-dollar cap. That would 反映する my ambition for the UK to be the world’s next Silicon Valley,’ he 明らかにする/漏らすd.

追跡(する) is wrong because we have a Google-type 同等(の) 権利 under our noses ? it’s called AstraZeneca.

It may not be a sexy high-tech creature, but it’s one of the most high-tech and innovative beasts in the 生命科学s world, and one of its most 開拓するing ーに関して/ーの点でs of saving lives.

Tech drive: Chancellor Jeremy Hunt insists that a ‘British Google’ should be the exemplar of our industrial success

Tech 運動: (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Jeremy 追跡(する) 主張するs that a ‘British Google’ should be the exemplar of our 産業の success

What’s more, AZ’s 全世界の 研究 HQ is on the にわか景気ing Cambridge Biomedical Campus on the city’s 郊外s ? the UK’s very own Silicon Fen and one of the world’s hottest bioscience hotspots.

It’s true the pharma 巨大(な) may be a little shy of 存在 a 一兆 dollar company ? it’s 価値(がある) £192billion ? but give it time. It may get there yet if AZ’s ambitious 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある, Sir Pascal Soriot, has his way.?

His 最新の 的 is to 増加する total 歳入 from a mere £36billion in 2023 to more than £60billion by 2030.

Soriot hopes to 達成する his grand ambition because AZ has another 20 new 薬/医学s in the pipeline, and many of them have the 可能性のある to reach £5billion or so each in 年次の sales.

What is even more thrilling is that AZ’s 最新の 刈る of 薬/医学s are 革命の, in the 正確な sense of the word, in the fields of oncology, biopharmaceuticals and rare 病気s.?

麻薬s for 糖尿病 and metabolic 病気s are also 存在 worked on. And AZ is 伴う/関わるd in the war on 負わせる.?

It recently 麻薬中毒の up with Shanghai-based pharma group Eccogene for a 負わせる-loss and cardio-metabolic 麻薬, pitting itself against the heaviest 負わせる-loss 巨大(な), Novo Nordisk, with its astonishing Wegovy and Ozempic 麻薬s.

But it’s the next 世代 of 癌 治療s which are AZ’s 宗教上の grail.

Speaking to CNBC in Cambridge yesterday, Dr Aradhana Sarin, its 長,指導者 財政上の officer and a 内科医 by training, explained that the most cutting 辛勝する/優位 of the new 麻薬s are antibody 麻薬 conjugates ? ADCs ? 目的(とする)d at 取って代わるing classic 治療s such as chemotherapy and 放射(能).

They are 高度に コンビナート/複合体 and work by 配達するing potent 癌-殺人,大当り スパイ/執行官s 直接/まっすぐに to 癌 独房s.?

They are also 高度に コンビナート/複合体 to 製造(する) and need end-to-end 生産/産物, which is why AZ is 投資するing £1.2billion in a new 製造業の 施設 in Singapore 特に for ADCs.

The impressive CFO reckons these new 麻薬s will 結局 取って代わる chemotherapy, which often has 汚い 味方する-影響s for 患者s. But this will be evolutionary rather than 即座の. Luckily, AZ is ahead of the curve in that cycle.

Soriot may even pull off his ambitious 的 ? he has done so before, 3倍になるing the 株 price over the past 10年間. He has other new 場所/位置s to 調査する.?

The big question is whether they might be in the UK, as AZ has already switched 計画(する)s for a mega-new 工場/植物 from Britain to Ireland because of high 会社/団体 税金 and regulatory 障害物s over 臨床の 裁判,公判s.

Forget Google, Mr 追跡(する). Hop on the train to Cambridge ? it’s only an hour from London ? and listen to the scientists. It’s not only the value of companies such as AZ that 事柄s, but the value of what they do in saving lives and the 繁栄 they bring to their surrounding communities.


Someone listening to the mood music is Susan Davy, boss of Pennon and parent of South West Water, along with Bournemouth and Bristol Water.

The water 供給(する)s in her 地区s have been 汚染するd with dangerous parasites, but normal service is 支援する for most 顧客s.

Davy is 支払う/賃金ing out around £3.5million in 補償(金) to 顧客s 影響する/感情d by the 突発/発生.

She has also trimmed 支援する the (株主への)配当 支払い(額) to 株主s to 反映する 罰金s on other 出来事/事件s.

Even so, the 支払い(額) is going up, to 44.37p per 株, at a total cost of £127million.

That was a mistake. She should have stayed watertight.