Don't sell Britain short: UK economy has done more than just 'turned the corner', says ALEX BRUMMER

The Tories will make a 抱擁する mistake if they 許す 労働 and the nay-sayers to でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる the 選挙 around the 主題 that the Tories 衝突,墜落d the economy.

An 猛攻撃 already has begun, with the FT 主張するing that a ‘feel-bad’ factor hangs over the UK 選挙.

Even 保守的な-supporting papers 主張する that Rishi Sunak chose a July 選挙 because the 悲惨な 明言する/公表する of the public 財政/金融s would not 支える a third 税金-cutting 財政上の 声明 in the autumn.

There is an 上昇傾向 story to be told and it is much more powerful than the economy has ‘turned the corner’.

It is about a Britain which is a magnet for foreign 投資. 広大な/多数の/重要な 研究 universities are churning out spin-offs in AI, cyber-安全, pharma and much else which is the envy of the world.

Britain bounces back: The current spate of 'Britain for Sale' takeovers is about predators seeking to gain access to excellent British enterprise

Britain bounces 支援する: The 現在の 洪水/多発 of 'Britain for Sale' 引き継ぎ/買収s is about predators 捜し出すing to 伸び(る) 接近 to excellent British 企業

The 現在の 洪水/多発 of ‘Britain for Sale’ 引き継ぎ/買収s is about predators 捜し出すing to 伸び(る) 接近 to excellent 企業.

Thoma Bravo has seen the fantastic 適切な時期 in Cambridge cyber-安全 trailblazer Darktrace.

The 開始 私的な 公正,普通株主権 企て,努力,提案 for 株 壇・綱領・公約 Hargreaves Lansdown speaks to UK 財政上の services 技術s. The unwanted Daniel Kretinsky 包囲 of IDS, owner of the 王室の Mail, is about the ‘Czech sphinx’ seeing the 適切な時期 in the 急速な/放蕩な-growing GLS 兵たん業務 操作/手術.

私的な 公正,普通株主権 and overseas predators want what we have ーに関して/ーの点でs of 貿易(する)ing 技術s, 科学(工学)技術, science and 発明.

保守的なs happened to be in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 when the economy stagnated and インフレーション 殺到するd during their 14 years at the 舵輪/支配.

The 緊縮 and stagnation were a consequence of 労働’s neglect of 財政上の probity in the run-up to the 2007-09 財政上の 危機.?

I had a high regard for the late Alistair Darling when he was (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 and the coolness with which he 扱うd the implosion of the 財政上の system.

But Darling was いっそう少なく than pleased when after a conversation, in which he 予報するd hard times ahead, this paper 示唆するd we were 長,率いるing for an age of 緊縮.?

不振の 生産(高) was 負かす/撃墜する to the 労働 遺産/遺物 of a whopping 予算 赤字 which left his 後継者 George Osborne with little choice but to squeeze public spending.

Covid-19 and Russia’s war on ウクライナ共和国 were events beyond the 支配(する)/統制する of any 政府. The UK’s 返答s were more or いっそう少なく in line with the 残り/休憩(する) of the other G7 rich nations.

In spite of all the negativism, インフレーション has been brought 負かす/撃墜する 速く and Britain genuinely is 現れるing from the doldrums faster than European competitors.

Only the US, with the heft of the magnificent seven behemoths ? Apple, アマゾン, Google-parent Alphabet, Meta 壇・綱領・公約s, Microsoft, Nvidia and Tesla ? is better placed.

The Liz Truss interlude was troubling. It is often compared to 国内の crises, such as the 崩壊(する) of the banking system in 2007-08, ーに関して/ーの点でs of aftershocks.

A 一時的な 殺到する in gilt 産する/生じるs was quickly assuaged and the Bank of England’s belated 戦う/戦い against インフレーション led to higher mortgage costs.

直す/買収する,八百長をするd 率 再開s have been 高くつく/犠牲の大きい for families but, 厳しい as this may be, there have been remarkably few defaults and no 報告(する)/憶測s of 重要なs of abandoned homes 存在 押し進めるd through 広い地所 スパイ/執行官 letter boxes.

苦痛 has been remarkably diffused. Moreover, the period of 落ちるing real incomes, which so delighted 政府 critics, is long over as インフレーション 宙返り/暴落するd.

It is a 広大な/多数の/重要な pity for the Tories that Andy Haldane left the Bank of England after the 通貨の 政策 委員会 decided to ignore his advice that the インフレーション genie was out of the 瓶/封じ込める. His 裁判/判断 now, as told to LBC, is that Bank 政策 ‘still has a chokehold on the economy.’

It would be nice to think that the 独立した・無所属 Bank of England would be 勇敢に立ち向かう enough to forget that the country is in an 選挙運動 and 行為/法令/行動するd in the best 利益/興味 of growth, 職業s and 繁栄 by lowering bank 率 from the 現在の 5.25 per cent in June.

That would 論証する a change in 経済的な fortunes and 供給する an 即座の 上げる for home-owners, 消費者s and already 急に上がるing 商売/仕事 信用/信任.

It is the gift which could change 選挙 fortunes for Rishi. That’s probably why 率 削減(する)s will be damagingly 延期するd.