Starmer has turned Orwellian doublespeak into a 罰金 art. And this nonsense will make workplaces impossible, 令状s STEPHEN BENCE

商売/仕事 leaders are used to 政治家,政治屋s speaking with forked tongues.

But our new 政府 has turned doublespeak into a 罰金 art and its 相反する positions on home working 反抗する logic.?

On one 手渡す, Keir Starmer’s 公式の/役人 広報担当者 has attacked the 'culture of presenteeism', the 病気 of working in the office that can be cured by working from home.?

Doublespeak:?Keir Starmer?s official spokesman has attacked the 'culture of presenteeism'

Doublespeak:?Keir Starmer’s 公式の/役人 広報担当者 has attacked the 'culture of presenteeism'

On the other, the 政府 has 約束d to introduce the '権利 to switch off', 妨げるing 雇用者s from 接触するing staff out of office hours ーするために 避ける 'blurring the lines between work and home life'.?

I’m baffled.?

接触するing 従業員s out of hours while they are at home blurs the lines between work and home.?

Yet presenteeism needs to be cured by more working from home.?

Angela Rayner’s trailblazing on this. Her staff must have been thrilled when she encouraged them to 長,率いる home with their laptops and they’ll be counting the days until the 法律 is changed to make it an offence to 接触する them out of hours.?

Don’t 持つ/拘留する your breath for the 約束d 改革(する)s in 住宅, communities and 地元の 政府.?

And now the 私的な 部門 is now going to be 軍隊d to replicate this civil service nonsense.?

I am the CEO of Vardags, a large family 法律 会社/堅い. After considering it 極端に carefully we decided that the default is that most of our staff need to be in the office.

The most important 利益 is that the mental health of our staff has measurably 改善するd.?

What's next??Don?t hold your breath for the promis
ed reforms in housing, communities and local government

What's next??Don’t 持つ/拘留する your breath for the 約束d 改革(する)s in 住宅, communities and 地元の 政府

We’ve all, sadly, received letters from …に反対するing solicitors at 5pm on a Friday that have been designed to give our (弁護士の)依頼人 a horrible 週末.?

いつかs they descend into personal attacks against the lawyers too. It’s not an 承認する way of behaving 特に when 攻撃を受けやすい people are 伴う/関わるd but sadly it’s an all-too-ありふれた 手段.?

But what’s truly awful is receiving those letters when 孤立するd from an experienced 同僚 who can put a metaphorical arm 一連の会議、交渉/完成する your shoulder and tell you that there’s nothing to worry about.?

Or away from your peer group who can 株 stories of the same thing happening to them. There is truly nothing like the buzz of an office, 十分な of people who have a real affinity for one another, 株ing a laugh and 供給するing 相互の support. And that support is 絶対 決定的な for 従業員 福利事業.?

Stephen Bence is chief executive of family law firm, Vardags

Stephen Bence is 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of family 法律 会社/堅い, Vardags

Our people have fun, laugh, 雑談(する) and form strong and 継続している friendships. As human 存在s we need that. Not hours sitting alone 星/主役にするing at a 審査する. We need human 関係, we need chemistry. It’s about living in a community. That’s what enables us to learn and teach, and what keeps us sane and happy. 存在 in the office also 許すs our junior staff to 利益 from in person 助言者ing and learning by osmosis.

Our open 計画(する) office has our 訓練生s sitting と一緒に our 上級の lawyers. I have always 支持する/優勝者d a 非,不,無-hierarchical structure of work.?

Everyone makes a valued 出資/貢献. And this, of course, 許すs us to 配達する the highest possible (弁護士の)依頼人 service benefitting from 本物の team problem solving. But we are not dogmatic.?

What I’ve 述べるd is the position for our London office. Our Manchester office 扱うs different sorts of 事例/患者s and serves a different 始める,決める of (弁護士の)依頼人s many of whom live far from that city and want a remote service. So hybrid working 作品 for them. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all model.?

As for 接触するing our staff out of hours, we 避ける it wherever possible and 特に when people are on holiday. But to 禁じる out of hours 接触する just isn’t 現実主義の in the world of family 法律.?

国内の 暴力/激しさ 頂点(に達する)s outside working hours. Parents 誘拐する their children at 週末s. いつかs (弁護士の)依頼人s need 安心 in the 不明瞭 of their 独房監禁 evenings: they don’t want to talk to a night-転換 lawyer, they want to talk to their lawyer.

What underlies Starmer’s aversion to 'presenteeism' is the idea that there’s no value to 存在 肉体的に 現在の in one’s work community.?

At a time when 不景気, loneliness and dehumanisation are recognised as sicknesses running はびこる within our society, this is short-termism at its worst.?

And there’s a troublingly Orwellian 毒(薬)ing of the language with Starmer’s new speak.?

The reality is that what we need more of is '存在 現在の', and indeed, as the Americans put it, 'showing up'. The results, in happiness and in 生産性, when we really, in person, show up for each other, are 劇的な 肯定的な.?

I applaud the 政府’s 宣言するd passion for growth and 生産性, but the 対策 it’s so far brought 今後 to 配達する this will 運動 the polar opposite. Even by the 基準s of politics, it’s beyond parody.?

Stephen Bence is 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of family 法律 会社/堅い,?Vardags.


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