The £20,000 社債 that is no better than an IOU from a man in the pub: TONY HETHERINGTON
Tony Hetherington is 財政上の Mail on Sunday's エース 捜査官/調査官, fighting readers corners, 明らかにする/漏らすing the truth that lies behind の近くにd doors and winning victories for those who have been left out-of-pocket. Find out how to 接触する him below.
R.F. 令状s: I 今後d a 証明書 to Cauta 資本/首都 for redemption of a £20,000 社債 which I bought in 2018. 利益/興味 was also 予定, but I have received nothing.
Tony Hetherington replies: I have bad news and worse news, I’m afraid. The bad news is that you are not alone, and (人命などを)奪う,主張するs against Cauta 資本/首都 限られた/立憲的な are 開始するing.
The worse news is that although it has not yet 知らせるd you, I can tell you that the company 崩壊(する)d into 行政 last Monday.
In April, I 警告するd that the 商売/仕事 had gone 不正に wrong. Your money was supposed to be lent out to other 会社/堅いs as 事業/計画(する) 財政/金融, but only if those 会社/堅いs 誓約(する)d their 資産s as 安全, and only if the value of the 事業/計画(する) was far greater than the 量 of Cauta’s 貸付金.
All this seemed 安全な. When the 社債s were 申し込む/申し出d, Cauta 資本/首都’s accounts valued the company at £69 million. Its more 最近の 2022 accounts showed it 借りがあるd £11 million ? 大部分は to bondholders like you ? but this was no problem as it still owned 資産s 価値(がある) over £19 million.
Then (民事の)告訴s 現れるd from 投資家s whose 社債s had 円熟したd, but who had not been paid. Weirdly, they were told Cauta had put their money into emeralds which had to be 削減(する) and polished before 存在 sold.
I questioned the company’s 単独の director, William Abundes, an American who lives in Luxembourg where he is known for his political (選挙などの)運動をするs on beh alf of Donald Trump.
He said: ‘The 転換 に向かって 貿易(する)ing in precious 石/投石するs, 特に emeralds, was a 戦略の 決定/判定勝ち(する) made in 返答 to 予期しない losses the company incurred に引き続いて an 投資 made in a European 所有物/資産/財産 開発.’
Cauta 資本/首都’s 単独の director William Abundes
Abundes failed to 申し込む/申し出 any 詳細(に述べる)s. And now his company has produced its 2023 accounts, and they 国境 on the unbelievable. They are 同一の, 負かす/撃墜する to the last penny, to the 2022 accounts.
They take no account of the その上の year’s 利益/興味 予定 to 投資家s, and they value the company’s 資産s ? 含むing emeralds ? at 正確に/まさに the same £19,412,876 as a year earlier.
When Abundes was 申し込む/申し出ing his IOUs for sale, he 任命するd accountant Graham Arnott as a UK-based 独立した・無所属 trustee to 持つ/拘留する a 合法的な 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 over his company’s 資産s to 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限 投資家s.
Arnott told me: ‘We queried the “copy and paste” accounts and were told the value of the gemstones would not have changed very much, if at all, given they were in raw form, and 利益/興味 accrued was not accounted for.’ Last Monday, Abundes put Cauta 資本/首都 into 行政 under the 支配(する)/統制する of Adam Price and 小道/航路 Bednash, both of insolvency practitioners CMB Pa rtners UK.
This stops short of 破産 but bondholders are ありそうもない to learn more until the 行政官/管理者s 完全にする enquiries and 令状 to them, which will take about eight weeks. Adam Price told me: ‘Based on the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) presently 利用できる to the 共同の 行政官/管理者s, the company’s 単独の 資産 appears to be an 利益/興味 in an 投資 基金 based in Luxembourg.’
Whether or not this 基金 持つ/拘留するs the company’s emeralds is unknown.
一方/合間, bondholders are in the dark. A retired couple who put a slice of their 貯金 into Cauta 資本/首都 told me: ‘We worked hard to put money aside during our working lives and are sad that we have lost some of it in this way but we are far more upset to have lost 信用 in the honesty and 正直さ of some human 存在s.’
社債s are only lightly 規制するd in Britain. We need 投資家 保護 支配するs that will place them higher than their 現在の status of 存在 no better than an IOU from a mate in the pub.
戦う/戦い with Churchill over a 行方不明の 事故 報告(する)/憶測
I 接触するd Churchill about your 事故 and and three days later the 保険会社 sent you a written 陳謝
P.F. 令状s: A year ago, we were at church in West Yorkshire when a stolen car 攻撃する,衝突する our parked car, 令状ing it off. The driver was 逮捕(する)d. I was delighted when our 保険会社 Churchill quickly met the (人命などを)奪う,主張する, minus our 超過 of £200. I was told the 超過 would be refunded once Churchill received a police 報告(する)/憶測. But then an email from Churchill said: ‘We are unable to request the third-party 登録 number from the police using their online form as under Merseyside Police it 明言する/公表するs, “Sorry. We can’t find the page you are looking for.”’
Tony Hetherington replies: I am not surprised that Merseyside Police knew nothing about the 衝突,墜落 as it took place in West Yorkshire. It seems Churchill 混乱させるd a Wakefield postcode with both a Warrington postcode and a Worcester postcode. Worse still, what followed was the bombshell 二塁打ing of Churchill’s 再開 賞与金.
During months of 接触するs with Churchill, you visited the police and 設立する the 事故 報告(する)/憶測 was ready. Police told you that Churchill had been 知らせるd last year that enquiries were still 存在 made and they should 適用する again soon, but police heard nothing more.
I 接触するd Churchill and three days later the 保険会社 sent you a written 陳謝, 非難するing an outside 会社/堅い it 雇うd to liaise with police. Churchill sent you £750 to 支援する up its 陳謝 but still failed to get its 手渡すs on the 事故 報告(する)/憶測.
Next, Churchill wrote, 説: ‘We received correspondence from third party that they cannot 取引,協定. We have now 答える/応じるd that as RTA 保険会社s it’s their 責任/義務 to 支払う/賃金 innocent party (人命などを)奪う,主張する. If no 返答 or if they still 辞退する then we might have to litigate in the 未来.’
I have tidied up the (一定の)期間ing but still wondered whether this had been 不正に translated from a foreign language. Klingon perhaps? Sadly, it is a 本物の letter from a major 保険会社.
Finally, Churchill now has the police 報告(する)/憶測. It has 削減(する) your 賞与金 and refunded £113 加える the £200 超過, and frozen this year’s 賞与金. Churchill せいにするd your year-long struggle to ‘unique circumstances’.
I hope the company’s 治療 of your (人命などを)奪う,主張する is 平等に unique.
If you believe you are the 犠牲者 of 財政上の 悪事を働くこと, 令状 to Tony Hetherington at 財政上の Mail, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY or email Because of the high 容積/容量 of enquiries, personal replies cannot be given. Please send only copies of 初めの 文書s, which we 悔いる cannot be returned.?
- Gold price 攻撃する,衝突するs 記録,記録的な/記録する high - should you 投資する?
- What does the 最新の インフレーション data mean for our 財政/金融s?
- Is 存在 a Nimby really that bad?
- Have you got the 財政上の 信用/信任 to get richer?
- Can 労働 get Britain growing and make us richer?
- More of us are 落ちるing into the 貯金 税金 罠(にかける) - is it fair?
- Do 労働 or the Tories have the 計画(する) Britain needs?
- What does it take to 勝利,勝つ the 賞与金 社債s?
- The 消費者 支持する/優勝者's tricks to fight 支援する
- What could the 総選挙 mean for your money?
- The mystery of the stolen Nectar Points - and the 忠義 sting
- Should BofE have 削減(する) 利益/興味 率s instead of 持つ/拘留するing 会社/堅い?
- Mortgage 率s are climbing again - should we be worry?
Is the UK 株式市場 finally 予定 its moment in the sun? - Will インフレーション 落ちる below 2% and then spike again?
- Will the 明言する/公表する 年金 ever be means 実験(する)d - and would you get it?
- Secrets from an Isa millionaire - how they built a £1m マリファナ
- Is a 99% mortgage really that bad or a helping 手渡す?
- How to sort your 年金 and Isa before the 税金 year ends
- Will the Bank of England 削減(する) 利益/興味 率s soon?
- Was the 予算 too little, too late - and will it make you richer?
- Tale of the 明言する/公表する 年金 underpaid for 20 YEARS
- Will the 予算 削減(する) 税金 - and the child 利益 and 60% 罠(にかける)s?
- Will you be able to afford the 退職 you want?
- Does it 事柄 that the UK is in 後退,不況?
- Why would the Bank of England 削減(する) 率s this year?
- You can 捕らえる、獲得する a £10k heat pump 割引... would that tempt you?
- Should you stick cash in 賞与金 社債s, save or 投資する?
- Is the taxman really going after Ebay 販売人s?
- What does 2024 持つ/拘留する for 投資家s - and was 2023 a good year?
- How 急速な/放蕩な will 利益/興味 率s 落ちる - and where's the new normal?
- Is the mortgage 危機 over?
- What 運動s you mad about going to the shops?
- Will the Autumn 声明 上げる your wealth?
- How to turn your work 年金 into a moneyspinner
- Autumn 声明: What would you do if you were Chancell or?
- Have 利益/興味 率s finally 頂点(に達する)d - and what happens next?
- How much will frozen 所得税 禁止(する)d suck out of your 支払う/賃金?
- How much その上の could house prices 落ちる?
- Will your energy 法案s rise this winter にもかかわらず a 落ちるing price cap?
- Have 利益/興味 率s 頂点(に達する)d or will they rise again?
- Should we keep the 3倍になる lock or come up with a better 計画(する)?
- Should we gift every newborn £1,000 to 投資する?
- Are you on 跡をつける for a comfortable 退職?
- Where would YOU put your money for the next five years?
- Mortgage mayhem has 立ち往生させるd but what happens next?
- Taxman 顧客 service troubles and probate problems
- Energy 会社/堅いs rapped for bad service while making mega 利益(をあげる)s
- インフレーション 緩和するs - what does that mean for mortgage and savers?
- Could your bank の近くに YOUR 経常収支 with little 警告?
- Energy price cap 落ちるing and 貯金 率s race past 6%
- Was 引き上げ(る)ing 率s again the 権利 move or is the Bank in panic 方式?
- Mortgage mayhem, 貯金 frenzy: What on earth is going on?
- Money for nothing: Is 全世界の/万国共通の basic income a good idea?
- インフレーション-破産した/(警察が)手入れするing 貯金 率s of 9% and cash Isas are 支援する
- When will energy 法案s 落ちる, and could 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 関税s finally return?
- Should we stop dragging more into 税金 designed for the rich?
- How high will 利益/興味 率s go... and why are they still rising?
- How can we build the homes we need - and make them better?
- Home 改良s: How to 追加する - or lose - value
- It's easier to 勝利,勝つ big on 賞与金 社債s but should you 投資する?
- How long should you 直す/買収する,八百長をする your mortgage for - and what next?
- 明言する/公表する 年金 goes above £10,000 - has something got to give?
- April 法案 引き上げ(る)s - and is it time we 溝へはまらせる/不時着するd the 税金 罠(にかける)s?
- 年金s, childcare, 法案s and 後退,不況: 予算 special
- Can you 信用 the 明言する/公表する 年金 system after these 失敗s?
- Are we on the 瀬戸際 of a house price 衝突,墜落 or soft 上陸?
- How to make the most of saving and 投資するing in an Isa
- Why is food インフレーション so high and are we 存在 ripped off?
- Could this be the 頂点(に達する) for 利益/興味 率s? What it means for you
- Will we raise 明言する/公表する 年金 age to 68 sooner than planned?
- Could an Isa 税金 (警察の)手入れ,急襲 really cap 貯金 at £100,000?
- Will you be able to afford the 退職 you want?
- Will 2023 be a better year for our 財政/金融s... or worse?
- The big 財政上の events of 2022 and what happens next?
- Would you be tempted to 'unretire' after quitting work 早期に?
- When will 利益/興味 率s stop rising and how will it 影響する/感情 you?
- Could house prices really 落ちる 20% and how bad would that be?
- Do you need to worry about 税金 on 貯金 and 投資s?
- Have 貯金 and mortgage 率s already 頂点(に達する)d?