EXCLUSIVE蓄える/店 First 投資家s 的d by scammers sending 偽の FSCS letters

  • Our reader received a 偽の letter from FSCS about 宿泊するing a 蓄える/店 First (人命などを)奪う,主張する
  • Around 6,600 people were 説得するd to 投資する in 蓄える/店 First 貯蔵 部隊s

Thousands of people who were mis-sold 投資s in 貯蔵 部隊s could be 的d by 犯罪のs (人命などを)奪う,主張するing to 申し込む/申し出 them 補償(金).?

A This is Money reader has been sent a 高度に 納得させるing 偽の letter (人命などを)奪う,主張するing to be from the 財政上の Services 補償(金) 計画/陰謀 and giving 詳細(に述べる)s of a 是正する 計画/陰謀 for 投資家s in?蓄える/店 First 限られた/立憲的な.?

蓄える/店 First was a 貯蔵 pod 投資 計画/陰謀 owned by Lancashire-based entrepreneur Toby Whittaker, which was 負傷させる up in 法廷,裁判所 in 2019.?

It?約束d 投資家s that they would make a 保証(人)d 8 per cent income in the first two years, then 10 per cent in the に引き続いて years.

Around 6,600 投資家s ? many of them pensioners ? were 説得するd to 投資する and 約束d high returns from renting them out, which never materialised.?

Adam Bennet who had invested in Store First received a scam letter purporting to come from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (Stock image on left)

Adam Bennet who had 投資するd in 蓄える/店 First received a scam letter 趣旨ing to come from the 財政上の Services 補償(金) 計画/陰謀 (在庫/株 image on left)

What is the 蓄える/店 First scam??

Reader Adam Bennet, whose 指名する we have changed at his request, told This is Money he received what looked like a letter from the FSCS about a 蓄える/店 First (人命などを)奪う,主張する in July.

The FSCS has since 確認するd this letter was not a real FSCS 文書. Instead it is a scam 試みる/企てる, with the 目的(とする) of getting out-of-pocket 投資家s to fill out and return a form 含む/封じ込めるing personal and 財政上の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).?

The 偽の letter told Adam to fill in and return a Proof of 負債 form with his 詳細(に述べる)s or call a number to '宿泊する a (人命などを)奪う,主張する'. The form 大(公)使館員d (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to be from The Insolvency Service.

A 広報担当者 from the FSCS said: 'We will never 問題/発行する any forms on に代わって of The Insolvency Service in the 過程 of 取引,協定ing with any (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.'

The FSCS 確認するd that Adam Giles, whose 指名する 調印するd off the letter, does not work for it.?

It also 確認するd that the phone number used on the letter does not match the FSCS's 合法的 number.

The scam letter appeared on FSCS letter-長,率いるd paper which it 確認するd was not 合法的. The FSCS said the formatting of the letter was also different from the 現在の formatting the 財政上の 是正する 計画/陰謀 uses.?

What happened to 蓄える/店 First?

A High 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者 was brought in April 2019 by the 政府's Insolvency Service over an unregulated £206million 貯蔵 pod 計画/陰謀 設立するd by 蓄える/店 First.?

The 法廷,裁判所 heard savers were 誘惑するd into 投資するing their money by '誤って導くing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) and testimonials'.

The 政府 押し進めるd for 蓄える/店 First and 関係のある 会社/堅いs to be 負傷させる up to 保護する 投資家s.

蓄える/店 First and three other 関係のある companies were 負傷させる up in 法廷,裁判所 in 2019.?

One of them, SFM Services 限られた/立憲的な, was bought out and now 貿易(する)s as 蓄える/店 First.?

Adam said: 'At first ちらりと見ること the letter looked pretty 現実主義の with the FSCS logo, 訂正する return 演説(する)/住所 and the fact that the scammer 明確に knows I 投資するd in this 不成功の 貯蔵 投資.

'I started to 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う the legitimacy of the letter when I looked up who the letter was 調印するd by - Adam Giles, 上級の 財政上の officer - and 設立する that he was not 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d on the FSCS website anywhere.?

'There was some strange 言い回し in the letter which was also an 警報.

'It serves as a 警告 of just how believable some of these scam letters can look.'

Adam 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うs that scammers could have got his personal (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) by 切り開く/タクシー/不正アクセスing a database, or else by buying it from other 犯罪のs on the dark web.

Convincing: The scam letter in full, which could easily fool victims into thinking it was real

納得させるing: The scam letter in 十分な, which could easily fool 犠牲者s into thinking it was real

Can 蓄える/店 First 投資家s get 是正する ??

The FSCS 保護するs up to £85,000 of the value of 顧客s' 貯金, 年金 or 投資s if a 財政上の 会社/堅い goes 破産した/(警察が)手入れする.

蓄える/店 First was an unregulated 計画/陰謀, so did not have FSCS 保護 直接/まっすぐに, meaning 投資家s are not 保護するd by the 財政上の 行為/行う 当局 (FCA) or the FSCS.

The FSCS 確認するd it can look at (人命などを)奪う,主張するs for 蓄える/店 First 投資s where a 規制するd party was 伴う/関わるd.

For example, where an 独立した・無所属 財政上の 助言者 unsuitably advised a 顧客 to take out an 投資, or a Self-投資するd personal 年金 操作者 did not do the proper checks before 受託するing 投資s into a Sipp.

A 広報担当者 for the FSCS said: 'Sadly, scammers will try and use the 身元 of organisations like the FSCS to make a 財政上の 伸び(る).

'We have seen examples of fraudulent letters that use the FSCS logo and other 詳細(に述べる)s that are easily 利用できる online such as the 指名する of a real 会社/堅い to appear 合法的. We 定期的に update our website and social マスコミ channels to 警告する people about the dangers of scams.

'The 重要な message we would give is that the FSCS's service is 完全に 解放する/自由な ? we would never ask for money in 交流 for 補償(金).

'It's also very rare that we would 接触する someone who hasn't got an active (人命などを)奪う,主張する with us. We would always encourage anyone who has 関心s about 接触する from the FSCS to call us 直接/まっすぐに using the 詳細(に述べる)s 利用できる on our website.'


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