How much have house prices risen 近づく YOU since Covid? Our 地図/計画する 明らかにする/漏らすs biggest risers and fallers

  • One 地元の 当局 has seen 普通の/平均(する) prices rise by 48% since March 2020
  • But another area has seen values 落ちる 10% during that time?
  • Check our interactive house price 地図/計画する to see how your 地域 has done

The last four years have thrown all manner of madness at the 住宅 market.

First, Covid and 連続する lockdowns sent house prices into an 予期しない にわか景気.

The いわゆる 'race for space' and rise of working from home 連合させるd with a stamp 義務 holiday and 激しく揺する-底(に届く) mortgage 率s to create the perfect 環境 for prices to rise.

In just two and half years between March 2020 and September 2022 the value of the 普通の/平均(する) 所有物/資産/財産 rose by more than 24 per cent across the UK, によれば Land Registry data.

The property market comprises thousands of local markets all behaving differently from one another: pictured - Manchester, Liverpool, Kensington and Chelsea and Salcombe in Devon

The 所有物/資産/財産 market 構成するs thousands of 地元の markets all behaving 異なって from one another: pictured - Manchester, Liverpool, Kensington and Chelsea and Salcombe in Devon

But then it all changed. 二塁打-digit インフレーション sent 利益/興味 率s hurtling 上向きs to levels not seen since the 2008 財政上の 危機.

率s 発射 up meaning 買い手s could no longer 購入(する) with a mortgage 直す/買収する,八百長をするd at one or two per cent, and instead were 直面するd with 率s of five or six per cent.?

However, while house prices were 広範囲にわたって 推定する/予想するd to 衝突,墜落, they didn't. Instead, they 高原d.

Between September 2022 and February 2024, the 最新の Land Registry 人物/姿/数字s show that the 普通の/平均(する) UK home fell from £288,901 to £280,660, a 2.85 per cent 落ちる.

Not every area will have followed the same pattern, though.?Some 地元の areas have seen prices 殺到する far more than the UK 普通の/平均(する) over the past four years, while other 場所s have seen prices 落ちる.

Thanks to 分析 by the 所有物/資産/財産 会社/堅い, Hamptons, we are able to 明らかにする/漏らす the ten 地元の 当局 areas that have seen the biggest 所有物/資産/財産 price にわか景気s since March 2020, when the first lockdown began.

Hamptons also 明らかにする/漏らすd the 10 地元の 当局 where prices have 成し遂げるd the worst.

Aneisha Beveridge, 長,率いる of 研究 at Hamptons said: 'Most of the 最高の,を越す 成し遂げるing areas are in the North of England which is what we would 推定する/予想する to see in the second half of the house price cycle where typically prices in the North are catching up with the South.?

'Some of these areas 港/避難所't seen prices 落ちる either. In fact they've continued rising even まっただ中に higher mortgage 率s.

'In contrast, the 底(に届く) 成し遂げるing areas are 支配するd by London boroughs. In reality, prices in some central London 場所s 現実に 頂点(に達する)d between 2015 and 2016.'

The house price 勝利者s since Covid

The 最高の,を越す 成し遂げるing 地元の 当局 for house price growth since the start of Covid is Rossendale in Lancashire.

There, 普通の/平均(する) prices have risen by 48 per cent since March 2020, going from £142,997 to £212,796.

Rossendale has a 全住民 of just over 69,000 and covers around 4.8 per cent of Lancashire. There are four main towns that are 運動ing home 買い手 利益/興味: Rawtenstall, Haslingden, Bacup and Whitworth.

Graham Shuttleworth, 経営者/支配人 at Ryder & Dutton 広い地所 スパイ/執行官s in the town of Rawtenstall 以前 told This is Money?that the area was benefitting from the house price ripple 影響 coming out of Manchester, 同様に as millions of 続けざまに猛撃するs of 投資 coming into the area from the 政府's levelling up 計画/陰謀.?

North West dominance: Seven of the top 10 house price local authorities since March 2020 have been in the North West of England

North West dominance: Seven of the 最高の,を越す 10 house price 地元の 当局 since March 2020 have been in the North West of England

Blaenau Gwent in むちの跡s is another riser, having seen 普通の/平均(する) prices rise by 41 per cent since March 2020. The area covers the south eastern part of むちの跡s and major towns 含む Tredegar, Abertillery and Ebbw Vale.

一方/合間, prices on the Orkney Islands in Scotland have risen 40 per cent.

The islands off the north east coast of Scotland saw house prices rise to a 頂点(に達する) of £218,927 in July 2022, but they have since fallen by 9 per cent to £198,397.

House prices growing in North West England?

Six of the remaining 最高の,を越す 10 地元の 当局 for house price growth are based in the North West of England. These are Manchester, Liverpool, Bolton, Rochdale, Oldham and St Helens.

Liverpool and Manchester have been two of the strongest-成し遂げるing cities for house price growth for some time now.

House prices in Liverpool have risen by more than 55 per cent over the past eight years while in Manchester, prices are up by more than 65 per cent during that time.

The towns of Bolton, Oldham and Rochdale are all part of Greater Manchester, while St Helens is just west of Liverpool.?

Liverpool: House prices have risen 36% since 
the Covid pandemic began and are up 55% over the past eight years

Liverpool: House prices have risen 36% since the Covid pandemic began and are up 55% over the past eight years

Rossendale, the town that took the number one 位置/汚点/見つけ出す, lies すぐに to the north of Greater Manchester in Lancashire.?

Jason Harris-Cohen, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of 所有物/資産/財産 buying 会社/堅い Open 所有物/資産/財産 Group said: 'Manchester has certainly 固く結び付けるd its position as the nation's 'second city' and the Manchester 所有物/資産/財産 market has been the strongest 成し遂げるing of all major cities in 最近の years.?

'Of course, this 人気 does come at a cost and not only have house prices 増加するd かなり, but the 普通の/平均(する) cost of a home also sits far higher than the surrounding areas.

'As is often the 事例/患者, this high cost of homeownership has driven many 買い手s to look to these more affordable pockets of the market ーするために climb the ladder while remaining within reach of Manchester.

'The result is a ripple 影響 of market activity that has also helped to cultivate strong house price growth in surrounding areas such as Rossendale, Bolton, Rochdale and Oldham.'

South Hams in Devon also makes the 最高の,を越す 10 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる). The area is home to some popular 沿岸の towns such as Dartmou th and Salcombe.

The area did 特に 井戸/弁護士席 during the pandemic as people 急ぐd to relocate to more 田舎の areas with 場所s along the south coast, 含むing Dorset, Devon and Cornwall doing?特に 井戸/弁護士席.

In the two and half years after the 突発/発生 of Covid in March 2020, house prices in South Hams rose by a staggering 33 per cent, によれば Land Registry 人物/姿/数字s.?

Dartmouth in Devon: One of the popular towns along the south coast that saw prices rise during the pandemic

Dartmouth in Devon: One of the popular towns along the south coast that saw prices rise during the pandemic

Sam Mitchell, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of online 広い地所 スパイ/執行官s Strike and Purplebricks said: 'The UK's best 成し遂げるing 地元の areas 地位,任命する-pandemic are all in lower 定価つきの and more affordable 地域s.?

'First-time 買い手s, in particular, have been drawn to these 地域s as they look to escape the extortionate 賃貸しの prices we're seeing across the UK.?

'にもかかわらず the 障害s they 直面する for home 所有権, 含むing high rent making it 近づく impossible to save for a deposit, there's still a h uge appetite to get on the 所有物/資産/財産 ladder and 買い手s are 用意が出来ている to search for value ーするために do so.

'The remote working にわか景気 means that 買い手s are far いっそう少なく 地理学的に constrained and that's also fuelling activity in more lower-定価つきの areas.?

'As インフレーション bites, 需要・要求する for affordability means 都市の areas like Liverpool and Manchester are now outperforming London.'

House price boomers: Dartmouth Castle in?South Hams where house prices are up 37% over past 4 years, Bolton (top right) where prices are up 38% and Manchester (bottom right) up 37%

House price boomers: Dartmouth 城 in?South Hams where house prices are up 37% over past 4 years, Bolton (最高の,を越す 権利) where prices are up 38% and Manchester (底(に届く) 権利) up 37%

The worst 成し遂げるing 地元の 当局 since Covid

The worst 成し遂げるing 地元の 当局 when it comes to house prices are 支配するd by London.

In Kensington and Chelsea, 普通の/平均(する) prices have fallen 10 per cent since March 2020, while Camden proper ty prices are 負かす/撃墜する 7 per cent on 普通の/平均(する).

Both these areas saw prices rise in the?初期の year or two に引き続いて the 突発/発生 of Covid.?

Prices in Kensington and Chelsea rose from 1.34 million in March 2020 to a 頂点(に達する) of £1.52 million in June 2022, but prices have since 崩壊(する)d by 22 per cent on 普通の/平均(する).

一方/合間, in Camden, 普通の/平均(する) prices 頂点(に達する)d at £882,000 in March 2022, but have since fallen by 12 per cent since then.

London's falling: Nine of the worst performing local housing markets since 2020 were found in the capital

London's 落ちるing: Nine of the worst 成し遂げるing 地元の 住宅 markets since 2020 were 設立する in the 資本/首都

A number of other 地元の 当局 in the 資本/首都 have also seen 普通の/平均(する) prices 下落する since the pandemic.

The 普通の/平均(する) 所有物/資産/財産 in the City of Westminster is 負かす/撃墜する 5 per cent since March 2020. Once again, prices 現実に 頂点(に達する)d in February 2022 at £1.17 million, but have since 崩壊(する)d by 23 per cent on 普通の/平均(する).?

Marc 出身の Grundherr, director of スパイ/執行官s Benham and Reeves, believes a 減少(する) in the number of over seas 買い手s has 攻撃する,衝突する large parts of London.?

He said: 'The 衝撃 of the pandemic and the 集まり exodus of London homeowners to greener lands was 井戸/弁護士席 文書d, and while this has since 逆転するd, a more 長引かせるd factor has been the 削減 in foreign 買い手 需要・要求する across the 資本/首都's prime boroughs.

'While travel 制限s were the 初期の 原因(となる), a 不振の London 所有物/資産/財産 market has 原因(となる)d many to 差し控える from 投資するing since the pandemic and we're only now seeing 需要・要求する start to return to pre-pandemic levels.

'With the likes of the City of London, Kensington and Westminster home to the highest 普通の/平均(する) house prices in the land, a 削減 in foreign 買い手 需要・要求する has 自然に 与える/捧げるd to a sharp 削減 in values.'

The one 非,不,無-London outlier for the 10 worst 成し遂げるing areas is Aberdeen in Scotland, which is 負かす/撃墜する 7 per cent since March 2020.?

Sam Mitchell, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Purplebricks and Strike, thinks that stamp 義務 and インフレーション is 運動ing many people away from the least affordable parts of the country.

A tale of two housing markets: While prices along the King's Road in Borough of Chelsea have fallen in recent years, prices on the Orkney Islands (pictured bottom right) have boomed

A tale of two 住宅 markets: While prices along the King's Road in Borough of Chelsea have fallen in 最近の years, prices on the Orkney Islands (pictured 底(に届く) 権利) have にわか景気d

Someone in London buying a £1million 所有物/資産/財産 will 支払う/賃金 £41,250 in stamp 義務, while Someone buying a second home for £1million will 支払う/賃金?£71,250 in stamp 義務.?

一方/合間, a 非,不,無-UK 居住(者) would be 攻撃する,衝突する with a £91,250 stamp 義務 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.

Mitchell said: 'London is 成し遂げるing worse when compared with 地域s like the North East because the stamp 義務 on more expensive 所有物/資産/財産s 価値(がある) £900,000 or more has 行為/法令/行動するd as a drag on 住宅 activity.?

'一般に speaking, we're seeing a 移住 away from the South of England, with インフレーション and stamp 義務 making it 意味ありげに harder for 買い手s searching for 入ること/参加(者)-level 所有物/資産/財産s.?

'The first-time 買い手 控除 on stamp 義務 is also still 始める,決める at too low a level to help in London, so aspiring homeowners are 押し進めるd to look どこかよそで.'

The royal borough: Facades in the Notting Hill area of Kensington and Chelsea in London.? The area is popular with wealthy buyers across the world but house prices have struggled of late

The 王室の borough: Facades in the Notting Hill area of Kensington and Chelsea in London.? The area is popular with 豊富な 買い手s across the world but house prices have struggled of late

Mitchell 追加するd: 'While 田舎の areas 得る the 利益s of remote working, 高度に 都市の and 密集して 居住させるd areas have 苦しむd as a result of the loss of incentive to live 近づく work.?

'In spite of prophecies of a 集まり return to office work, we're ありそうもない to see another major 転換 in the opposite direction any time soon.?

'Other factors 影響(力)ing a 落ちる in house price 業績/成果 are often very 明確な/細部 to the area in question.?

'For instance, in Aberdeen, the 拒絶する/低下する in house prices is 直接/まっすぐに linked to what is happening in the oil and gas market.?

'As a 重要な 居住の 中心 for 労働者s in these 産業s, the 重要な 下降 in the oil and gas 部門s has 原因(となる)d a 著名な 拒絶する/低下する in the city's 住宅 業績/成果.'