Can I get my 私的な 年金 at 55 予定 to this bizarre birth year quirk? STEVE WEBB replies

I've had some advice from my 私的な 年金 provider, which said I was in the unusual position of 存在 able to 接近 my 年金 at 55 for a short period and then 存在 否定するd 接近 until I'm 57.

They said this was because I was born in a 明確な/細部 two-year window between 6 April 1971 and 5 April 1973.??

I queried this with HM 歳入 and Customs, but it said it 'can't comment on 未来 events as 法律制定 may change'.?

What is the 現在の 法律制定 for people born between those dates??


Birthday quirk: Our reader was told he may be able to get his pension at 55 because of when he was born - but HMRC could not confirm whether that was right

Birthday quirk: Our reader was told he may be able to get his 年金 at 55 because of when he was born - but HMRC could not 確認する whether that was 権利

Steve Webb replies: The 問題/発行する that you have raised could 影響する/感情 井戸/弁護士席 over a million people who may find 夜通し that they have to wait up to two more years before they can 接近 their 年金 マリファナ.

It all relates to something called the 'normal 最小限 年金 age'.

HMRC takes the 見解(をとる) that it gives you 税金 救済 on your 年金 出資/貢献s only because you are locking the money up, and will only 接近 it in 退職.?

In light of this, there has to be a 最小限 age at which you can draw your workplace or personal 年金.

When the normal 最小限 年金 age (NMPA) was introduced in 2006 it was 始める,決める at 50, but it was then raised to 55 in 2010.?

It was 始める,決める at 55 because that was ten years before the then-male 明言する/公表する 年金 age of 65.?公式文書,認める. however, that some older 年金s may 保持する 接近 at an earlier age such as 50, and there are also 確かな 控除s for those who take 年金s 早期に because of ill health.?

With the 明言する/公表する 年金 age already raised to 66 for men and women, and 計画(する)s in place to 増加する it to 67 by April 2028, the question then arose as to what this would mean for the NMPA.?

On the basis that people will in 未来 be working longer (and hence retiring later), the 政府 decided that the NMPA should also rise, from 55 to 57. This change does not 適用する to those in the 制服を着た public services such as firefighters, police and 武装した 軍隊s.

But 反して the 明言する/公表する 年金 age 増加する from 66 to 67 happens 徐々に between April 2026 and April 2028, the rise in the NMPA will happen 夜通し on 6 April 2028.

This creates a very 半端物 状況/情勢 for people born in a two-year window, of which you are one.?

Suppose, for example, that you were born on 5 April 1973. In this 事例/患者 you will reach age 55 on 5 April 2028 and can therefore すぐに 接近 your 年金s on your 55th birthday.?

However, if you 行方不明になる that day (perhaps because you are busy celebrating your birthday) you will wake up the next morning to find that you now cannot touch your 年金s for another two years.

More 一般に, anyone born between 6th April 1971 and 5th April 1973 will find that they have a period when they can 接近 their 年金 at 55, but this will then be switched off for a period of up to two years until they reach the age of 57.

HMRC's 見解(をとる) is that most 年金 計画/陰謀 支配するs say that you can 接近 your 年金 at NMPA, rather than a 明確な/細部 age. Given that NMPA can change, HMRC thinks that people will 簡単に have to adjust to the new 支配するs.

However, there is one 譲歩 in all of this, which is that if your 年金 計画/陰謀 支配するs 特に say that you can 接近 your 年金 at 'age 55' for example, rather than NMPA, then you will 保持する the 権利 to 接近 them at 55 - even when the normal age rises to 57.?

This is called a '保護するd 年金 age'. It 適用するs 供給するd you were a memb er of the 計画/陰謀 before the 削減(する)-off date of 4 November 2021, and 供給するd that this 権利 to take a 年金 at 55 was 含むd in the 計画/陰謀 支配するs as at 11 February 2021.

Of course, many people will not have a 手がかり(を与える) what the 支配するs of their 計画/陰謀 say on this 事柄, and so they need to check where they stand if they think they might want to 接近 their 年金 before the age of 57, but after 6 April 2028.

One final thing to 耐える in mind is to be careful if you are thinking of transferring your 年金 between now and then.?

If you have a '保護するd' 年金 age in your 現在の 年金, this can be 保持するd if you 移転 to a new 年金. However, you need to make sure that your new 年金 provider is aware of this and has 行政の systems 始める,決める up to を取り引きする it.?

If your new provider is unaware of your 保護するd 年金 age and 簡単に 始める,決めるs up a new 年金 for you with an 接近 age of 57, this cannot be undone. And in any 事例/患者, all new 出資/貢献s to that 年金 will have an 接近 age of 57 rather than 55.

As you can see, this whole thing is a mess. It is a bit of a 宝くじ as to whether your 年金 計画/陰謀 支配するs referred to age 55 or NMPA.?

But if your birth date 落ちるs within this two-year window, you need to be aware that the age at which you can 接近 your 年金 will jump by two years after your 55th birthday, and to 計画(する) accordingly.

You can find a 合法的に 正確な 鮮明度/定義 of the change in HMRC's 年金s 税金 手動式の.

Ask Steve Webb a 年金 question

Former 年金s 大臣 Steve Webb is This Is Money's agony uncle.

He is ready to answer your questions, whether you are still saving, in the 過程 of stopping work, or juggling your 財政/金融s in 退職.

Steve left the Department of Work and 年金s after the May 2015 選挙. He is now a partner at actuary and 協議するing 会社/堅い 小道/航路 Clark & Peacock.

If you would like to ask Steve a question about 年金s, please email him at

Steve will do his best to reply to your message in a 来たるべき column, but he won't be able to answer everyone or correspond 個人として with readers.?Nothing in his replies 構成するs 規制するd 財政上の advice. Published questions are いつかs edited for brevity or other 推論する/理由s.

Please 含む a daytime 接触する number with your message - this will be kept confidential and not used for marketing 目的s.

If Steve is unable to answer your question, you can also 接触する MoneyHelper, a 政府-支援するd organisation which gives 解放する/自由な 援助 on 年金s to the public. It can be 設立する here?and its number is 0800 011 3797.

Steve receives many questions about 明言する/公表する 年金 予測(する)s and COPE ? the 契約d Out 年金 同等(の). If you are 令状ing to Steve on this topic, he 答える/応じるs to a typical reader question about COPE and the 明言する/公表する 年金 here.