I want to move my £20k work 年金 - why am I still stuck waiting nearly a year later? CRANE ON THE CASE

  • Reader tried to 移転 年金 from Lifesight to Nest but has 攻撃する,衝突する a roadblock
  • The 会社/堅いs both say the other one is at fault and hasn't sent the 権利 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状)
  • Have you had a problem with a 会社/堅い? Email helen.crane@thisismoney.co.uk?

I've been trying to move my work 年金, which 現在/一般に sits at about £19,750, from Lifesight to Nest since August 2023, に引き続いて a change in 雇用者.

They are both pointing fingers at each other and 説 it's the other's fault, leaving me 完全に stuck in limbo.

I've raised (民事の)告訴s and they have gone nowhere.?

Both 計画/陰謀s (人命などを)奪う,主張する the other one isn't sending the 訂正する documentation. Can you help me? J.D, Nottingham

New start: Our reader began a new job and was keen for their pension to follow them

New start: Our reader began a new 職業 and was keen for their 年金 to follow them

Helen Crane of This is Money replies:?What a 年金s pickle. Transferring a マリファナ from one provider to another should take weeks, not months ? and certainly not the best part of a year.?

You have done your part, uploading all the 文書s 敏速に and 答える/応じるing quickly to requests.

But sadly you have 設立する yourself caught in the middle of a petty 非難する game between the two providers, Lifesight and Nest.?

Both say they are waiting on 文書s from the other before they can go any その上の, and both 主張する that they have 供給するd the 文書s the other one is waiting for. What a mess.?

But before I get in to that, I'll explain why someone might 移転 their work 年金.?

You don't want me to 指名する the 会社/堅いs you worked for as this may identify you, so I will call them Company A and Company B.

When you were at Company A the 年金 was 供給するd by Lifesight, but on moving to Company B you were 調印するd up to a Nest 計画/陰謀.


Our 週刊誌 column sees This is Money 消費者 専門家 Helen Crane 取り組む reader problems and 向こうずね the light on companies doing both good and bad.

Want her to 調査/捜査する a problem, or do you want to 賞賛する a 会社/堅い for going that extra mile? Get in touch:


You 手配中の,お尋ね者 to move the 年金 you'd built up at Company A, into your new マリファナ with Company B.?

There are a few sensible 推論する/理由s why someone might want to do that, though they need to check carefully whether it is the 権利 thing for them.

Now people are automatically 入会させるd into a 年金 when they start a new 職業, most 蓄積する a handful of マリファナs from different 職業s throughout their lives.

It can be tricky to keep 跡をつける of all your 年金s and how they are doing, 特に if you've changed 職業s many times. 連合させるing them can make this easier.

Savers can do this by transferring their old work 年金 into their new one when they change 職業s, as you are doing, or by putting them all in to a separate, 私的な 年金.

This is now easier than ever as there are services that will let you 連合させる and manage your マリファナs online.

Second, when you move 職業s, your new workplace 年金 might 申し込む/申し出 a better 取引,協定.

It might have cheaper 料金s and 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s than your old one, meaning you get to keep more of your 年金 貯金, or it might have more 柔軟な 支配するs surrounding what money can be 孤立した, and when.

However, the new 年金 may 申し込む/申し出 a worse 取引,協定 in which 事例/患者 it probably makes sense to stick with separate マリファナs. Our guide to 合併するing 年金s?can come in handy here.

Pots everywhere: Like our reader, some people choose to merge their pensions as it might reduce admin, or let them take advantage of better terms

マリファナs everywhere: Like our reader, some people choose to 合併する their 年金s as it might 減ずる admin, or let them take advantage of better 条件

When you got in touch with me, you were eight months in to your 移転 外傷/ショック.

You had raised (民事の)告訴s with both Lifesight and Nest, but both 固執するd in their 試みる/企てるs to 押し進める the 非難する on to the other and your money was still not on the move.

Your most 最近の email from Nest said: 'We're still を待つing for the 移転 関係のある (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from Lifesight. We've sent a letter to them on 7 March 2024 for the 未解決の 必要物/必要条件s, still we 港/避難所't received any 返答.'

However, Lifesight told you at the same time: 'Please 公式文書,認める that we are を待つing for bank 詳細(に述べる)s from the receiving 計画/陰謀 for which we already chased on 6 March 2024. Upon 領収書 of the 未解決の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) we will be able to proceed with your request.'

The passive 積極的な 空気/公表する of the emails was so 厚い you could 削減(する) it with a knife.??

Your communications for the past eight months had been much the same , and you were at the end of your tether.

I 接触するd the 会社/堅いs to ask them to untangle this mess and get your 移転 moving.

Nest said it 移転s 13,000 年金s in and out each month and the 普通の/平均(する) time it takes to 移転 a 年金 was 16.5 days. You were at eighteen times that and counting.?

It 非難するd the 延期する in part on the fact Lifesight does not use Origo, an electronic 年金 移転 壇・綱領・公約 used by many 会社/堅いs. This meant the 移転 had to be done manually.

Nest also said there were occasions where Lifesight sent it attachments that were password 保護するd, or 文書s that did not 含む your Nest ID.?

It said this meant they could not be linked with your account. I am not an 専門家, but it seems to me that the puzzle pieces could have been put together with a bit of ありふれた sense.?

After I got in touch, though, Nest managed to get the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) together. It sent the necessary bank 詳細(に述べる)s to Lifesight by special 配達/演説/出産, as they cannot be emailed.?

Transfer tangle: Lifesight and Nest both said they did not have the information needed to arrange the movement of J.D's money

移転 絡まる: Lifesight and Nest both said they did not have the (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) needed to arrange the movement of J.D's money?

コマドリ 吊りくさび, Nest's 長,率いる of 計画/陰謀 操作/手術s, said: 'We're sorry to hear of the 延期するs to [this 顧客's] 移転.

'At Nest, 確実にするing 移転s are both efficient and 強健な is something we prioritise and we're always looking at ways to 改善する our 移転 過程.

'New 規則s, which (機の)カム into 軍隊 in December 2021, 要求する 付加 checks to be undertaken when 完全にするing a 年金 移転. This is an important 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限 to help 保護する people and their 退職 貯金 from 年金 scams.'

A few days later, Lifesight's 年金 計画/陰謀 行政官/管理者, WTW, got in touch to say it received the bank 詳細(に述べる)s - and your 年金 had finally been transferred.?

A 広報担当者 for WTW said: 'We always try to 完全にする 年金 計画/陰謀 members' 移転s as quickly and efficiently as possible.

'On this occasion there were some 延期するs between us and the receiving 計画/陰謀, which we have now 解決するd.?

'We have apologised to the member and 申し込む/申し出d 補償(金) for the inconvenience, as a 好意/親善 gesture, which has been 受託するd.'

It seems neither Lifesight nor Nest is 用意が出来ている to take the 非難する, which is disappointing - and I wonder how long you would have been left waiting if I had not got 伴う/関わるd. ?

At least your 年金 palaver has now come to a 結論.?