EXCLUSIVE王室の 造幣局 to stop making coins from scratch after 1,100 years - with staff 採掘 回路・連盟 boards for gold instead

  • Insider 明らかにする/漏らすs 計画(する) to 購入(する) 'blanks' from abroad instead of making them
  • The coins will only be stamped with designs at South むちの跡s 施設?
  • Some staff コースを変えるd to taking gold from old phones and laptops?

The 王室の 造幣局 計画(する)s to stop producing coins from scratch at its 施設 in むちの跡s from December with staff コースを変えるd to 採掘 gold from laptop 回路・連盟 boards, This is Money can 明らかにする/漏らす.

As the oldest company in the UK, the 王室の 造幣局 has been producing coins for more than 1,100 years - but an insider has told us that is 始める,決める to come to an end.?

Instead of producing its own coins from raw steel, the 造幣局 will now 購入(する) 'blanks' - plain レコードs which have not been struck with the coin design - from abroad when 在庫/株s run out.?

It is 始める,決める to 輸入する the blanks from countries such as Germany and Turkey, and will only imprint them at its 場所/位置 in Llantrisant rather than making them from scratch, a source inside the 王室の 造幣局 said.

Ending tradition: An inside source told This is Money that coins will no longer be produced from raw metal

Ending tradition: An inside source told This is Money that coins will no longer be produced from raw metal

It comes と一緒に news that the?財務省 has placed no new orders with the 王室の 造幣局 for one and two pence coins this year 予定 to a 拒絶する/低下する in cash use.?

現在/一般に, the 王室の 造幣局 buys steel which 労働者s at the factory roll to the 訂正する 計器, 圧力(をかける) into blanks and plate with 巡査 or nickel.?

But it will no longer do so and is now 捜し出すing to sell its 施設s to produce coin blanks, This is Money understands.?

'They've said they won't take on any more overseas orders but are still going to 供給(する) the UK market,' the insider told This is Money.?

'But they won't have the 施設s to make their own blanks, they'll be 供給(する)d from どこかよそで and stamped in the 造幣局.'

The person 手配中の,お尋ね者 to remain 匿名の/不明の because they are a 現在の 従業員 of the 王室の 造幣局.?

They told This is Money that the 王室の 造幣局 will 始める,決める up a 'gold 分離' 施設 in the two 工場/植物s where the raw coins were 以前 produced.?

It will see staff who used to produce coins コースを変えるd to breaking up 回路・連盟 boards, as the 造幣局 moves に向かって gold 回復 from phones and laptops.

'They are ramping up the gold 回復 商売/仕事 slowly,' the insider said.

It's sad, it's the way the world is going. People are using より小数の and より小数の coins. If people see that the 王室の 造幣局 is 存在 shut 負かす/撃墜する, they might start using coins again

As part of the 転換 に向かって gold 回復, 200 staff have been 申し込む/申し出d positions in the gold 再生利用するing 工場/植物, 避けるing redundancies.?

However, the insider told This is Money that 上向きs of 120 staff have left the 造幣局 as part of an 早期に 解放(する) 計画/陰謀 申し込む/申し出ing a 十分な year's salary up to £30,000.

Those who remain, he said, are on 減ずるd 転換s but will be paid their 十分な salary up to December.

They said the 工場/植物s, furnaces and 圧力(をかける)s to plate and 削減(する) out the coin blanks are 始める,決める to be shut 負かす/撃墜する.?

'The only coinage 機械/機構 they are keeping are the coin 圧力(をかける)s where they stamp the coins,' he said.

Of the 40 or so coin 圧力(をかける)s 現在/一般に used by the 王室の 造幣局, just two or three will be 保持するd to 圧力(をかける) coins when 需要・要求する 要求するs, ーするために 供給(する) the UK market.?

These will be 位置を示すd in the museum which sits と一緒に the 王室の 造幣局's South むちの跡s 場所/位置, so tourists can see coins 存在 made, によれば the source.?

Commemorative coins will be 圧力(をかける)d there, and they are 始める,決める to be switched to produce coi ns for 循環/発行部数 when the need arises.?

'They are moving the commemorative coins to the 圧力(をかける)s in the 造幣局 Experience, so that the 圧力(をかける)s are still running there. If they need UK coins, then they will have to stamp them on those 圧力(をかける)s,' he 追加するd.

A spokesperson for the 王室の 造幣局 told This is Money: 'We remain fully committed to making the UK's coinage, which has been at the heart of The 王室の 造幣局 for 1,100 years.?

'We have the 施設s and 能力 to 製造(する) coins of all denominations whenever they are needed, and we continue to work closely with His Majesty's 財務省 to 会合,会う 需要・要求する from UK cash centres.'

In April, the 造幣局 明らかにする/漏らすd that it will no longer produce overseas coins, にもかかわらず having done so for almost 700 years.

The Mint hopes to sell more commemorative coins overseas. Pictured: Wayde Milas of the Rare Coin Company of America and Rebecca Morgan of The Royal Mint

The 造幣局 hopes to sell more commemorative coins overseas. Pictured: Wayde Milas of the Rare Coin Company of America and Rebecca Morgan of The 王室の 造幣局

拒絶する/低下する in cash use to 非難する?

As the oldest company in the UK, the 王室の 造幣局 has been producing coins for more than 1,100 years.

However, just 12 per cent of 処理/取引s last year were made using cash, によれば UK 財政/金融, with as many as 39 per cent of people living 大部分は cashless.

Even so, 2.6 per cent of the 全住民 still relies on cash as their main method of 支払い(額).?

'It's sad, it's the way the world is going,' the source said. 'People are using より小数の and より小数の coins. If people see that the Ro yal 造幣局 is 存在 shut 負かす/撃墜する, they might start using coins again.

'Once the 施設s are broken 負かす/撃墜する and gone, they'll find it very hard to start them 支援する up.'

The 王室の 造幣局's 通貨 arm made losses of £13.1million in 2022/23, up from £4.5million the year before. 造幣局 従業員s have been told to 推定する/予想する a £30million loss this year, the source 報告(する)/憶測d.?

'非,不,無 of us can work out how there will be such a large loss,' the source said.

The source said the 決定/判定勝ち(する) means the 造幣局's melting, rolling and blanking 工場/植物 and its annealing, pickling and plating 工場/植物 will both be shut 負かす/撃墜する by the end of the year.

It comes on the 支援する of 報告(する)/憶測s that the 財務省 has placed no new orders for one and two pence coins in the coming years, 予定 to 増加するing 依存 on cashless 支払い(額)s around the country.

The 財務省 has also ordered no new coins of any 肉親,親類d to be 造幣局d this year.


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