全国的な and Virgin 削減(する) mortgage 率s as 仲買人s 宣言する home 貸付金 'price war'

  • From tomorrow 全国的な will be 減ずるing 率s by up to 0.3 百分率 points
  • Virgin Money is also cutting 率s across some of its 製品s
  • Mortgage 仲買人s 宣言する a price war as 貸す人s compete for 商売/仕事

Mortgage 仲買人s are (人命などを)奪う,主張するing a home 貸付金 price war is under way, after 全国的な Building Society became the 最新の 貸す人 to lower its 率s.

From tomorrow, Britain's biggest building society will be 減ずるing 率s on selected 取引,協定s by up to 0.3 百分率 points.

It means 全国的な will now be home to the lowest 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 率 on the market, with its cheapest five-year 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 取引,協定 starting at 4.18 per cent with a £1,499 料金.

Virgin Money is also cutting 率s with some home 買い手s, remortgagers and buy-to-let 投資家s likely to 利益 from the changes.

Mortgage cuts: Nationwide is latest lender to announce it will be repricing mortgages

Mortgage 削減(する)s: 全国的な is 最新の 貸す人 to 発表する it will be repricing mortgages

Today's?告示s follow on from mortgage 率 削減s by Barclays, HSBC, Yorkshire Building Society,?Santander and Halifax last week.

Mortgage 仲買人s welcomed the news as another 勝利,勝つ for borrowers with mortgage 率s 長,率いるing lower and with?base 率 削減(する)s on the horizon.

Jack Tutton, director at SJ Mortgages?told the news 機関, Newspage: 'The 勢い for 率 削減(する)s continues as 全国的な and Virgin follow several other 貸す人s last week.?

'The price war is now 井戸/弁護士席 and truly on. With 全国的な 減ずるing some of their 率s by 0.3 per cent, this should 押し進める more 貸す人s into making その上の 削減(する)s to remain 競争の激しい. This is yet more 肯定的な news for borrowers.'

Hannah Bashford, director at Model 財政上の 解答s 追加するd:?'The 戦う/戦い of the 率s is upon us. This can only be good news for borrowers and hopefully a tussle for the 最高の,を越す will mean 率s trickle below that 魔法 4 per cent 障壁 that everyone is so desperate for them to break.?

'If the Bank of England 削減(する)s 率s in August, it will feel like game, 始める,決める and match.'

For anyone moving home with a 40 per cent deposit or more, 全国的な's 4.18 per cent will be the market 主要な 率 from tomorrow.

It does, however, come with a hefty £1,499 製品 料金 meaning it may not be the cheapest 全体にわたる.

Santander is also 申し込む/申し出ing a 4.2 per cent を取り引きする a £999 料金 and HSBC is 申し込む/申し出ing a 4.22 per cent with a £649 料金.

全国的な is also now 申し込む/申し出ing the lowest two-year 直す/買収する,八百長をする for home movers with a 40 per cent deposit or more.

Its 4.59 per cent 取引,協定 is 落ちるing from 4.79 per cent and comes with a £1,499 料金.

> Find the best 率 for you using This is Money's mortgage finder?

Also cutting: Virgin Money has also reduced rates across a number of its fixed rate deals aimed at home buyers, homeowners and buy-to-let investors

Also cutting: Virgin Money has also 減ずるd 率s across a number of its 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 率 取引,協定s 目的(とする)d at home 買い手s, homeowners and buy-to-let 投資家s

First-time 買い手s also stand to 利益 from 全国的な's changes. Those buying with a 25 per cent deposit can now 安全な・保証する a three year 直す/買収する,八百長をする at 4.77 per cent with a £999 料金.

全国的な is also cutting 率s on some of its remortgage 取引,協定s 同様に as across its 製品s 目的(とする)d at 存在するing 顧客s looking to 移転.?

Virgin Money's 率 changes have those buying with smaller deposits in mind -?特に those needing 10 per cent of the?購入(する) price.

But it is also 減ずるing 率s 目的(とする)d at people remortgaging with 率s to start from 4.54 per cent.

Its buy-to-let 率s are seeing the most 重要な 削減(する)s, however.

It says 確かな 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 率s with a 1 per cent 料金 will be 減ずるd by 0.12 per cent and will start from 4.55 per cent, while 製品 移転 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 率s will be 削減(する) by up to 0.2 百分率 points and will be starting from 4.49 per cent.?

How to find a new mortgage

Borrowers who need a mortgage because their 現在の 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 率 取引,協定 is ending, or they are buying a home, should 調査する their 選択s as soon as possible.

What if I need to remortgage??

Borrowers should compare 率s, speak to a mortgage 仲買人 and be 用意が出来ている to 行為/法令/行動する.

Homeowners can lock in to a new 取引,協定 six to nine months in 前進する, often with no 義務 to take it.

Most mortgage 取引,協定s 許す 料金s to be 追加するd to the 貸付金 and only be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d when it is taken out. This means borrowers can 安全な・保証する a 率 without 支払う/賃金ing expensive 協定 料金s.

Keep in mind that by doing this and not (疑いを)晴らすing the 料金 on 完成, 利益/興味 will be paid on the 料金 量 over the entire 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 of the 貸付金, so this may not be the best 選択 for everyone.?

What if I am buying a home??

Those with home 購入(する)s agreed should also 目的(とする) to 安全な・保証する 率s as soon as possible, so they know 正確に/まさに what their 月毎の 支払い(額)s will be.?

買い手s should 避ける overstretching and be aware that house prices may 落ちる, as higher mortgage 率s 限界 people's borrowing ability and buying 力/強力にする.

< p class="mol-para-with-font">How to compare mortgage costs?

The best way to compare mortgage costs and find the 権利 取引,協定 for you is to speak to a 仲買人.

This is Money has a long-standing 共同 with 料金-解放する/自由な 仲買人 L&C, to 供給する you with 料金-解放する/自由な 専門家 mortgage advice.

利益/興味d in seeing today’s best mortgage 率s? Use This is Money and L&Cs best mortgage 率s calculator to show 取引,協定s matching your home value, mortgage size, 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 and 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 率 needs.

If you’re ready to find your next mortgage, why not use L&C’s online Mortgage Finder. It will search 1,000’s of 取引,協定s from more than 90 different 貸す人s to discover the best 取引,協定 for you.

> Find your best mortgage を取り引きする This is Money and L&C

Be aware that 率s can change quickly, however, and so if you need a mortgage or want to compare 率s, speak to L&C as soon as possible, so they can help you find the 権利 mortgage for you.?

Mortgage service 供給するd by London & Country Mortgages (L&C), which is authorised and 規制するd by the 財政上の 行為/行う 当局 (登録(する)d number: 143002). The FCA does not 規制する most Buy to Let mortgages. Your home or 所有物/資産/財産 may be repossessed if you do not keep up 返済s on your mortgage?